Charter Review Board

The Charter Review Board is convened pursuant to City Charter every four (4) years.  The City Commission appoints the Charter Review Board consisting of ten (10) members who are qualified to serve on an advisory board pursuant to applicable provisions of the Charter and the City Code.  The members of the board shall review the City Charter, as set forth in the scope of work determined by the City Commission. The board shall submit to the City Commission within six (6) months of their appointment such alterations, revisions, and amendments, if any, to the Charter, as in its judgment are desirable. The City Commission, in its sole and exclusive discretion, may permit the board an extension of six (6) months' time if the Commission determines that the scope of work will require additional time.

For information regarding future Charter Review Boards or procedures, please contact the City Clerk's Office with any questions at 954-434-4300 x 220.