Zoning Codes & Your Single Family Home

Some of the most common home modifications in Cooper City include room additions, pools, fences, satellite dishes and accessory buildings.  Cooper City provides information through the Planning and Zoning Division to residents; architects and builders to determine what improvements and the exact location of the proposed improvements may be made on a lot where a residence exists.

As each home is unique, regulations cannot be cited within this web site for each and every zoning district within Cooper City’s jurisdiction.

(Building Permit Required, Provisions cited below are generalized.  Please contact the Planning & Zoning Staff for specific criteria prior to permit application)
For Accessory Structures to a principal single-family or duplex dwelling.
Storage Shed:  A storage shed shall not exceed eight feet in height, nor shall it exceed ten feet square or measure larger than one hundred square feet in overall size.
Chickee Hut:  A chickee hut is regulated by the National Fire Code and Florida Building Code.  Please call the Building Division or Fire Department for applicable information.
Gazebo:  A gazebo shall not exceed fourteen feet in height, nor shall it exceed one hundred fifty square feet in overall size.
Location:  Accessory structures shall not be constructed in the front yard setback.  They may be constructed within required side or rear yard setbacks provided that such accessory structures shall not be constructed closer than six feet from the rear or side property line. They may be set back closer (no less than three (3) feet), provided there is a six foot high privacy fence constructed along the rear/side lot line, and further provided that if there are any easements within this area, easement releases must be obtained from the responsible utility agency. For corner lots only, accessory structures shall not be constructed less than six (6) feet from the side street property line, regardless of whether or not a six-foot high privacy fence exists.  

Swimming Pools:  A building permit is required for all pools – above ground and in ground.  Pools are required to be a minimum of six feet from the rear and side property line.  Pools may not be constructed within the front yard and side street yard setbacks.

Pools are required to be enclosed with a minimum of a five-foot high fence or screen enclosure.  Setbacks for screen enclosures are five feet from the rear and side property lines and not in the front yard or street yard setbacks.

Spas are allowed per code.  Check with the Building Division and Zoning Division for requirements of permits and fences/screens.

Fences:  Fence regulations vary dependent on the zoning district and location the fence is to be constructed. All fences and walls shall require a building permit prior to installation.  Generally speaking all residential fences shall not exceed six feet in height.  Wood fences must be installed with the finished side out with 4” x 4” pressure treated posts two feet deep in concrete and four feet on center. Please contact the Zoning Staff for more specific regulations that may apply to the construction of your fence.

Should you have any further questions, please contact our offices at (954) 434-4300, extension 226 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.