Historical Site

In August of 1992, The Archaeological and Historical Conservancy, Inc., under the direction of Bob Carr finalized its report on a site within Cooper City's borders which contained evidence of habitation as early as 500 A.D. In addition, evidence of a 19th century Seminole Indian grave was also uncovered. The following is a brief analysis of the findings within the site. 

The archaeological site in question, Holatee 2, is located in what was known as the eastern Everglades and consists of an elongated sandy ridge surrounded by what was once inundated wetlands. The most conspicuous feature on the property is three large ficus trees. The site is severely impacted from cattle that through the years have converged under the trees. 

A total of forty-two test holes were excavated on and around the site. These excavations unearthed hidden remains with a high concentration of faunal bones (turtle, snake and fish), that were typical food resources of southeast Florida. In addition, sand tempered plain pottery shards and other cultural material surfaced. This pottery is consistent with the Glades I Period (ca. 750 B.C. - 750 A.D.) 

At the crest of the site, what appeared to be a gravesite was discovered. Glass beads, a permanent part of the Seminole woman's wardrobe, were discovered as well as a porcelain button from a blouse or shirt. Most important was the discovery of a human molar and cranial fragments. Iron nails suggest fasteners for a wooden tomb or part of a tree scaffold for holding the body in a tree - a typical 19th century Seminole mortuary custom. The grave's age is probably ca. 1880 to 1900. 

The human remains were reinterred in the test unit after excavation. The smallness of the site further corroborates its use as a burial site, as Seminoles would not have used such a small island for habitation nor would they inhabit a site where a human grave was placed. Because few Seminole gravesites have survived in Florida, Holatee 2 is an important resource to Broward County. 
