Notice to Bidders - ITB 2023-06-UTL, Pump Station #55 Generator Replacement
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Cooper City, Florida, will be accepting sealed bids until 3:00 PM (EST) on Monday, November 27, 2023, from qualified contractors capable of replacing the existing pump station #55 generator including electrical work, power, control, and lighting replacement. Proposed improvements consist of replacing the new generator outside of the existing generator room and will include a sound-attenuating, weatherproof enclosure, and sub-base fuel tank. The project will also involve the installation of a 12-inch Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) force main bypass using open-cut methods at pump station #55. The scope of work encompasses connecting the new force main to the existing manifold on the pump station's suction side force main, installing fitting, valves, and establishing connections to the existing 12-inch force main. Bidders/Proposers shall comply with all rules and regulations for this type of project and follow the terms, conditions, and specifications contained in this solicitation. The Awarded Contractor shall provide all materials, labor, tools, equipment, machinery, mobilization, supervision, supplies, expertise, and services for the completion of the project in its entirety to the City of Cooper City.
The detailed Invitation to Bid (ITB) shall be obtained online at
A Cone of Silence is hereby imposed pursuant to the updated Section 2-270 of the City’s Code of Ordinances, prohibiting communication regarding this Invitation to Bid between a potential contractor, vendor, service provider, bidder, lobbyist, or; consultant and the City Commissioners, City’s professional staff including, but not limited to, the City Manager and staff, any member of the City’s selection or evaluation committee. For further information about the Cone of Silence, please see Section 2-270 updated by Ordinance 23-15 or contact the City’s Purchasing Division.