City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for October 24, 2023

  • Green Advisory Board Vice Chair and Treasurer, Bob Kirschbaum gave a presentation to the Commission. Mr. Kirschbaum advised that they have maintained for the 40th year the Tree City designation. The Board achieved the Monarchs Pledge for the third year in a row and the Wildlife Habitat for the fifth year in a row. The Tree and Plant Care Workshop was a huge success and they have assisted Waste Management with scholarship opportunities. The butterfly garden at Rock Creek and city parks have signage to educate the public and they also have continued efforts to protect the Florida Owl. The Board has worked with and advised Chen Moore on elements for the Landscape Master Plan.
  • Mayor Ross presented a Proclamation for Red Ribbon Week to a member of the Young Marines.
  • Detective Darren Rush received a Proclamation for his retirement and 31 years of service with the City. 
  • Veterans from the American Legion spoke on item 13 and advised the American Legion is a 501c3 organization and would appreciate the street designation name of American Legion Way. Ray Morell, Vice Commander of Post 321 advised there are 977 legion members at this post alone not including family members. He thanked the Commission for the honor of the renaming of the roadway. MOTION: Commissioner Shrouder moved to approve Resolution 23-28. Commissioner Green seconded the motion which prevailed by a unanimous roll call vote. (5-0) 
  • Irwin Williams was approved to begin employment with the City in the CFO/Finance Director Position.
  • Resolution 23-23 - (Utilities) MOTION: Commissioner Green moved to approve Resolution 23-23. Commissioner Shrouder seconded the motion which prevailed by a unanimous roll call vote. (5-0)
  • MOTION: Commissioner Mallozzi moved to approve Carlos Vega as Acting City Manager during the City Managers vacation November 17 through the 27th. Commissioner Katzman seconded the motion which prevailed by a unanimous roll call vote. (5-0)
  • CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: City Attorney Horowitz advised that the city is currently engaged in litigation with the Broward Sheriff's Office regarding  disputed pension funds. The city filed an amended complaint to add additional claims for unfunded actuarial liabilities. The Broward Sheriff's Office filed a motion to dismiss. A hearing is set for November 3, 2023 at 9:00 AM. This will be the first hearing on this matter. 
  • POLICE CHIEF’S REPORT: The Aggressive Driving Operation will commence in November targeting mopeds and golf carts particularly on 90th Avenue. A proactive Code Enforcement sweep will start this week through Sunday, October 28th.  The last LPR site pending is up and running. On Friday, October 20th, the LPR’s aided in an arrest of a driver that had a warrant out for his arrest. The Shred-a-Thon served over 445 people and 337 cars. They have also prepared candy bags for the children.
  • FIRE CHIEF’S REPORT: Chief Harrington said this is Fire Prevention Month and the program will continue through November as the activities are very popular. They will have reached out to close to 800 students at the schools and academy’s. There has also been 400 hydrants flushed.

More Information

For more information related to the items on the October 24, 2023 agenda, please visit the City’s website: City Commission Agendas/Minutes

You can also watch the full meeting by going to:

The City Commission Regular Meeting will be held on November 14, 2023 at 6:30pm at Cooper City Hall located at 9090 SW 50th Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.