City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for February 22, 2022


City Commission Approves Purchase of Articulating Boom Lift
The City Commission approved the purchase of a refurbished articulating boom lift.  The Utilities Department’s fleet of equipment and vehicles includes one lift that is routinely used for operation and maintenance activities, such as wastewater treatment unit repairs, lifting pumps and equipment into treatment units, accessing upper portions of water storage tanks and buildings, and hurricane preparation activities such as closing hurricane shutters on second-floor windows and trimming of trees. This lift is a 2000 model that is in poor condition, and has exceeded its useful lifespan.  Staff researched the market for lifts of a similar size and capacity as the current one, and has discovered that new lifts are generally not available.  Furthermore, retailers are not currently accepting orders for new ones. Also, the cost of a new lift is approximately $170,000 which exceeds the budgeted amount of $100,000.   However, staff found a, currently available, used 2013 lift that has been thoroughly refurbished and is in excellent condition. The total cost of this purchase is $99,900, including a six-month warranty.

City Commission Approves Engineering Proposal for Replacement of Electrical Generator at Sewer Pump Station #55
The City Commission approved, as an emergency approval, the proposal from Chen Moore and Associates (CMA) for engineering services associated with the replacement of the emergency power generator and associated electrical gear at Sewer Pump Station #55, which is located at the Public Works Department compound.  This particular station is the primary pumping station for the section of Cooper city east of SW 106 Avenue and north of Stirling Road.  The station has been in service since the late 1980s and operating with most of the original equipment. Phased rehabilitation of the station is included in the Utilities Department's Master Capital Improvement Plan due to its age and deteriorated condition. The first phase of the plan is to replace its emergency electrical generator, which is no longer reliable, with a new generator and ancillary equipment.  This phase will require engineering services to design, prepare bid specifications, provide bidding assistance, and provide construction services, including inspection.  The total cost for the engineering services related to this project is $32,680.

City Commission Approves Resolution 22-4
The City Commission approved an amendment to the agreement for police services with the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO).  This approval provides for an additional traffic deputy, which will be funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021.  The City Commission’s latest approval compliments the recent additions of two Community Service Aides (CSA) in March 2021 and the addition of one deputy sheriff detective in January 2022.  The annual cost related to this third amendment to the agreement with BSO is $177,128.  The amount, funded through ARPA, will be prorated for this Fiscal Year (2022), based on the start date of the deputy, with an estimated impact of $87,500 in FY 2022.

City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-2 on First Reading
The City Commission approved the first reading of an ordinance, which would amend Chapter 25, Article VI of the City’s Code of Ordinances.  The proposed amendment was brought forward, following an instance where emergency services were unable to easily access a gated community within Cooper City. The aforementioned City Code already requires all private streets shall be open to all city vehicles, all emergency vehicles and all city personnel at all times, by means of a recordable easement or other appropriate documents. The amendment to the Code would add, “City officials, including vendors engaged by the city to perform a municipal or public service, are to be authorized to have complete access at all times to service the community.”  Furthermore, the proposed amendment to Chapter 25, Article VI of the City’s Code of Ordinances would instill policy, requiring all gated communities and gated commercial properties to come into compliance by no later than September 1, 2022. It is important to note, most gated communities and gated commercial properties already have an access system that would comply with the amended City Code.  Ordinance 22-2 will be brought forward for a second reading during the next City Commission Regular Meeting scheduled for March 8, 2022 at 6:30 PM.

More Information
For more information related to items on the February 22, 2022 agenda, please visit the City’s website at:

The next City Commission Regular Meeting is scheduled for March 8, 2022 at 6:30 PM at Cooper City Hall located at 9090 SW 50 Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.