City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for June 13, 2023
City Commission Welcomes New City Manager
The City Commission welcomed new city manager, Ryan Eggleston, to the dais. Mr. Eggleston began his duties on June 1, 2023. Mr. Eggleston is a Pennsylvania native. Prior to relocating to Cooper City, he served as city manager in Morehead City, North Carolina, as well as the Pennsylvania municipalities of South Fayette, Oil City, and Greenville. He has over 16 years of executive and financial experience in local government.
City Commission Approves 2023 Budget Calendar
The City Commission approved the 2023 Budget Calendar Discussion.
Tuesday, June 27 at 5 p.m. – Public Input Budget Workshop
Tuesday, June 27 at 5:30 p.m. – Commission Input Budget Workshop
Monday, July 24 at 2 p.m. – Budget Workshop
Wednesday, September 13 at 5:30 p.m. – First Budget Hearing
Tuesday, September 26 at 6:30 p.m. – Second and Final Budget Hearing and Commission Meeting
City Commission Approves Ordinance 23-14 on Second Reading
The City Commission approved on second reading Ordinance 23-14, which will now allow the use of artificial turf in the side and rear yards. A building permit will be required prior to installation.
City Commission Approves the Purchase of LED Monument Signs
The City Commission approved a motion to purchase LED monument signs. These two, new LED monument signs will be placed at the southeast corner of Embassy Dr. and Stirling Road, and at the southwest corner of Palm Avenue and Stirling Road. These will provide improved public service announcements, improved aesthetics at key City infrastructure and arterial roadways, and improved visibility for the public safety complex, which aids in crime prevention.
City Commission Approves Resolution 23-8
The City Commission approved Resolution 23-8, authorizing the proper City Officials to execute the Interlocal Agreement for the Solid Waste Disposal and Recyclable Material Processing Authority of Broward County.
City Commission Approves Work Order 2023-1
The City Commission approved on consent a motion to authorize Work Order 2023-1 be issued to the Corradino Group, Inc. for more than $113,000. This will develop a Design Criteria Package for SW 49th Street Culvert Replacement Project to be constructed as Design-Build.
More Information
For more information related to the items on the June 13, 2023 agenda, please visit the City’s website https://meetings.municode.com/adaHtmlDocument/index?cc=COOPERCITY&me=b026f8fad4a74139a6320b4fcf4d9584&ip=true
You can also watch the full meeting by going to www.CooperCityFL.org/WatchMeeting.
The next City Commission Regular Meeting will be held on June 27, 2023 at 6:30pm at Cooper City Hall located at 9090 SW 50th Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.