City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for January 11, 2022
City Commission Approves Hiring of Human Resources Director/Risk Manager
The City Commission approved the City Manager’s recommendation of Lourdes Mantecon for HR Director and Risk Manager. The position was posted on the City’s website as well as numerous professional association websites. Ms. Mantecon founded The Law Office of Lourdes Dumenigo Mantecon, P.A. and previously held the position of Human Resources Director for the City of Sweetwater.
City Commission Approves the Purchase of Network Switches
During the City Commission Regular Meeting on October 26, 2021, there was consensus from the Commission to consider the purchase of network switches as an eligible project funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The City Commission has now approved the recommendation to purchase network switches by piggybacking the current National Association of State Procurement Officials Cooperative Procurement contract from Dell. The City currently uses Dell switches for its core network to provide one of the primary components of these systems. This project replaces core switches that are required to maintain network connectivity of the current systems and simultaneously helps to protect the City from cybersecurity attacks. The total cost of this project is $37,967.04.
City Commission Approves Managed IT Security Services
During the City Commission Regular Meeting on October 26, 2021, there was consensus from the Commission to consider this as an eligible project funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The City Commission has now approved an agreement with World Wide Technology to provide around the clock (24/7/365) managed security services to place monitor on all systems, collect logs, analyze, determine anomalies, review alerts and take appropriate actions among other capabilities. The agreement is for a three-year period, with no other recurring costs. The total cost is $134,655.
City Commission Approves Purchase of Nutanix Cluster
During the City Commission Regular Meeting on October 26, 2021, there was consensus from the Commission to consider this as an eligible project funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The City Commission has approved the piggybacking of a Government Services Administration contract with Carahsoft to purchase Nutanix products, which will allow the City to replace an enterprise cloud system. This fiscal year, the system will no longer be able to support the current remote desktop environment and the various servers required. This approval provides the City with the ability to purchase the needed hardware, software, and support for five years. The total cost of this project is $110,480.
City Commission Approves Work Order with Chen Moore for Professional Services, to Assist with Drainage Improvements at the Bill Lips Sports Complex
The City Commission had previously authorized drainage improvements at the Bill Lips Sports Complex as a project to be funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The City Commission has now approved a work order to perform topographic survey, developing engineering plans, permitting, and potential post-design services. The design and engineering plans will be used as the basis for obtaining a contractor to perform the construction phase of the project. The total cost of this work order is $32,115.
City Commission Approves Guidelines for the Community Grant Programs Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA)
During the City Commission Regular Meeting on October 26, 2021, there was consensus from the Commission to consider this as an eligible project funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The Commission has now approved guidelines to administer grants that will aid residents and businesses adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Strategic Philanthropy has worked with staff to develop the guidelines, consistent with ARPA requirements. This approval allows the consultant to begin assisting with marketing and implementation of the program. The City Commission had previously allocated $300,000 in small business grants, $200,000 in utility (residential grants, $250,000 in mortgage (residential) assistance, $50,000 in rental (residential) assistance, and $50,000 in nonprofit grants.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-1 Upon First Reading
During the October 26, 2021 and November 30, 2021 Commission meetings, the Commission approved a list of projects and initiatives that should be considered for funding using American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) funds. In order to expend the funds needed to start these projects and initiatives, the City Commission has now approved a budget amendment. This amendment considers the initial amounts needed during the next few months to exhaust the first ARPA tranche totaling $8,965,280. Since most of the project costs provided are estimates, a second amendment will be brought to the Commission by no later than September 2022, providing a better alignment between the estimates and actuals. See the list of ARPA projects.
More Information
For more information related to items on the January 11, 2022 agenda, please visit the City’s website at You can also watching a recording of the full meeting by going to
The next City Commission Regular Meeting is scheduled for January 25, 2022.