City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for April 12, 2022
City Commission Approves Motion to End Current Procurement Process in Regard to the City’s Employee Benefit Plans and General Property, Casualty/Worker’s Compensation, and Automobile Insurance
The City Commission rejected a motion to approve an agreement with Brown & Brown, Inc. to provide the City’s Employee Benefits Plans and General Property, Casualty/Worker’s Compensation, and Automobile Insurance for three years. As the current Agent of Record agreement with Gehring Group expires this year, a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Insurance Brokerage Services was solicited to assist the City in purchasing and maintaining insurance coverage for the next three years. The RFP generated three submittals from the following: Brown & Brown, Gehring Group, and RMC Group. RMC Group withdrew their proposal prior to the Q&A Evaluation Committee. Following the procurement process, City staff made a recommendation to award a contract to Brown & Brown Inc. The bid award has now been rejected and the City Commission has directed City staff to revisit needs and options related to the City’s employee benefit plans and insurance.
City Commission Approves Change Order to Government & ERP Implementation Services LLC Agreement
The City Commission approved a change order to Government & ERP Implementation Services LLC (GERPIS), agreement to aid with Fiscal Year end processing, general financial activities, annual audit and Annual Comprehensive Financial Report preparations. The City initially engaged the services of GERPIS to augment shortages experienced in the finance department’s rank-and-file as well as leadership (CFO), during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Given, the high and prolonged uptick in the staffing exodus being experienced in the finance department, the City Commission has approved the continuation of GERPIS services to also ensure the timely and accurate completion of the city’s external audit. The overall value of this agreement has also been approved to increase from $40,000 to $60,000. As was the case in the original request for services, the cost of acquiring these additional services will be fully offset by salary savings in the finance department due to personnel shortages.
City Commission Approves a Reciprocal Use Agreement with the School Board of Broward County, Florida
The City Commission approved the renewal of the Reciprocal Use Agreement between the City and the School Board of Broward County, Florida. This renewal is for a five year term, valid from the date of execution. The current Reciprocal Use Agreement applies to the following public schools: Cooper City Elementary School, Cooper City High School, Embassy Creek Elementary School, Griffin Elementary School, and Pioneer Middle School. Through this agreement, schools have predominantly requested the use of the following City facilities: Community Center, Flamingo West Park, Pool and Tennis Center, and Suellen H. Fardelmann Sports Complex. Through this agreement, fees are not exchanged for the use of the facilities. There could be a custodial fee, when applicable.
City Commission Approves Motion to Approve Transportation Agreement with the School Board of Broward County, Florida
The City Commission approved the renewal of the Transportation Agreement between the City and the School Board of Broward County, Florida. The Parks and Recreation Department plans and coordinates recreational programs throughout the year. At times, the need presents itself to seek transportation services. The staff identifies the needs and plans accordingly. Having the option to secure a bus through Broward County Public Schools, provides a reliable option for staff to consider. The agreement does not require the services to be secured through the School Board, but allows for it to be an option to consider. With this City Commission approval, the Transportation Agreement is valid from date of execution with a five year term.
City Commission Approves Change Order with American Pool & Patio, LLC, for Pool Coping/Beam Repair & Remediation to the Community Pool at the Pool & Tennis Center
The City Commission approved a Change Order with American Pool & Patio, LLC., in the amount of $19,800 for Pool Coping/Beam Repair & Remediation to the Community Pool at the Pool & Tennis Center. Following the April 5, 2022, Special City Commission Meeting to discuss this item, the City Attorney prepared a revised addendum to the Agreement with American Pool & Patio, LLC. City staff worked with the pool contractor and received a schedule for project completion. As directed, the item was placed on the agenda, and the contractor was invited to attend the Regular City Commission Meeting and answer questions related to the project. At the February 8, 2022 meeting, the City Commission approved an agreement with American Pool & Patio, LLC., in the amount of $101,595 for resurfacing and general repairs to the Community Pool at the Pool & Tennis Center, per Invitation to Bid #2022-01-PW (American Rescue Plan Act of 2021). The City Commission’s approval of the change order allows the City and American Pool and Patio, LLC to execute a notice to proceed. Once the notice to proceed is executed, American Pool and Patio, LLC has agreed to complete the pool resurfacing within 70 calendar days. The City will provide regular updates on the status of the project via the City website, e-mail newsletters, and social media.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-5 on First Reading
The City Commission approved an amendment, upon first reading, to the City’s Code of Ordinances, by amending Chapter 2, Article VII, Section 2-206, entitled “Appropriations for Outstanding Purchase Orders.” This amendment would implement a procedural policy regarding budget transfers. As such, a duly authorized appropriation of any given fiscal year shall continue to be a valid appropriation of a subsequent fiscal year, without appropriation or inclusion in the later year's budget, providing that the expenditure under such appropriation has been authorized by the City Commission or a properly executed purchase order is outstanding at the end of the fiscal year of the original appropriation. Authority to complete such purchase and expenditure is hereby granted and in the event the expenditure is not completed after a reasonable period of time, the city manager is authorized and directed to cancel and close out the unexpended balance of the appropriation. The city manager, or his/her designee, shall provide a report to the City Commission in August and in September detailing all duly authorized appropriations that will be rolled forward into the next fiscal year pursuant to this amended section of the City’s Code of Ordinances. Final approval of this ordinance will ensure that each appropriation’s unencumbered balance is re-appropriated by the City Commission in the next annual budget.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-3 on Second Reading
The City Commission has now approved an amendment to Chapter 23, Article V of the City’s Code of Ordinances, by amending section 23-90 and providing for regulation of certain fence materials to prohibit windscreens. Under this approval, the following materials shall not be attached to a fence or windscreen unless otherwise required by law: cloth, fabric, canvas, silt screens, and mesh. However, such materials may be used at government-owned facilities and recreational facilities in the City, subject to the approval of the chief building official. Ordinance 22-3 was approved on first reading, during the March 22, 2022 Regular City Commission Meeting.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-4
The City Commission has now approved an amendment to Chapter 25, Article II of the City’s Code of Ordinances, by specifically amending section 25-26 and removing the requirement of a building permit for window signage, specifically for businesses. Going forward, an informational memo about window regulations will be created and included in a new business Local Business Tax Receipt application package, but window signage will no longer require a permit or inspection. This item was brought to the Planning and Zoning Board on February 7, 2022 and received a recommendation for approval. This ordinance was approved on first reading during the March 22, 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting.
Discussion Items of Note
The City Commission discussed a potential amendment to Section 3.01 of the City Charter, which provides for the election of four commissioners each residing within one of four commission districts who are elected at-large, with an at-large mayor. Following discussion on whether to keep or do away with four commission districts, a majority of the City Commission supported the drafting of an ordinance that, if approved by the City Commission, would put forth a referendum to amend the City Charter requirement of four commission districts. Please note, no vote nor actions have been taken in regard to Section 3.01 of the City Charter.
The City Commission discussed a potential amendment to Section 3.02 of the City Charter to eliminate term limits for member of the City Commission. Following discussion, a majority of the City Commission voiced support for the current term limits.
The City Commission also discussed possible action to amend Section 3.02 of the City Charter to eliminate the prohibition on an individual serving as mayor and/or commission for more than three terms cumulatively without relinquishing either office for a period of one full term, which equates to four years. Following discussion, a majority of the City Commission called on staff to schedule a workshop to further discuss this item. The City will provide an update on the date, time, and location of this workshop when it becomes available.
More Information
For more information related to items on the April 12, 2022 agenda, please visit the City’s website at:
The next City Commission Regular Meeting is scheduled for April 26, 2022 at 6:30 PM at Cooper City Hall located at 9090 SW 50 Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.