City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for January 10, 2023
City Commission Approves an Amended and Restated Agreement with John Perez
The City Commission approved an amended and restated agreement with John Perez to administer programs funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 and the approval of appropriation of Funds. The City of Cooper City has received a total of $17,930.000 of ARPA-related funds. These funds were primarily established for use in four main categories: support urgent Covid-19 response efforts to decrease the spread of the virus and the pandemic; replace lost revenues for municipalities to strengthen support for vital public services and help to retain jobs; support immediate economic stabilization for households and businesses; and address systematic public health/economic challenges that have contributed to the unequal impact of the pandemic.
City Commission Authorized the Execution of an Agreement for Star Cleaning USA, Inc.
The City Commission authorized the execution of an Agreement with Star Cleaning USA, Inc. for Street and Curbed Roadway Sweeping. The street sweeping loations will be done on a monthly basis on various streets throughout the City.
City Commission Authorizes the Execution of an Agreement for Technical Assistance with the NPDES Permit
The City Commission authorized the execution of an agreement with RES Florida Consulting, LLC d/b/a E Sciences in the amount of $24,780 to provide technical assistance in the implementation of Cycle 4 requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit, commonly known as NPDES Permit, through August 31, 2023. The NPDES Stormwater Program in Florida is responsible for the development, administration and compliance of rules and policies to minimize and prevent pollutants in stormwater discharges from Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer System (MS 4), construction activities, and industrial activities in the water bodies.
City Commission Approved the First Amendment to Task Order 2021-04 for Permit Services
The City Commission Approved and Authorized the First Amendment to Task Order 2021-04 issued to Hazen & Sawyer for permitting services associated with the replacement of Effluent Pump # 3 and related electrical setup in the amount of $19,525. In its meeting on February 8, 2022, the City Commission approved Task Order No. 2021-04 to Hazen & Sawyer in the amount of $107,287.00. This work was authorized to provide design and certain post-design services related to the replacement and upgrade of wastewater effluent pump #3. However, that work did not include permitting services that would be required from various regulatory agencies before the pump could be replaced. Hazen & Sawyer is a City’s short-listed consultant, selected through the Consultants’ Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA).
City Commission Approved the Sole Source Purchase of Submersible Pumps
The City Commission approved and authorized the sole source purchase of two (2) sets of two (2) submersible pumps each and related accessories in the amount not to exceed $57,160 from PSI Technologies Inc. for the upgrade of lift stations No. 15 and 56. The City’s sewer collection/transmission system includes 82 lift stations. Although the majority of these lift stations use submersible pumps, six (6) of these lift stations are “can” stations, which were common in the 1960s and 1970s. However, they are no longer desirable because of safety and functionality reasons. As a part of the City’s master plan, these “can” lift stations are being converted into lift stations that would now use submersible pumps. In FY 2023, lift stations no. 15 and no. 56 are slated for conversion.
City Commission Approves an Agreement to Furnish Above-Ground Duplex Control Panels
The City Commission approved and authorized an agreement with Champion Controls, Inc. in the amount of $57,715.80 to furnish two (2) aboveground duplex control panels for the upgrade of lift stations No. 15 and 56. In any lift station, there are two (2) primary components – pumps and control panels. The upgrades to both stations will require the installation of these two components. While this authorization pertains to the purchase of control panels. In order to save money, the Utilities crew will be performing a majority of the work in-house.
City Commission Approved an Agreement for Electric Motor Pump and Repair Services
The City Commission approved and authorized an agreement with Condo Electric Motor Repair Corp. in the amount not to exceed $50,000 transferred from the Contingency Account for Electric Motor Pump and Repair Services. The City’s treatment plants, collection and distribution systems constantly run on motors, pumps and other accessories. Although the Utilities staff tries to plan ahead and include in the annual budget, routine maintenance and replacements, there are times when these moving parts break down without any warning.
City Commission Provides Direction to Research Traffic Calming Devices
The City Commission reached a consensus and directed the City Administration to research Traffic Calming Mechanisms and bring back viable recommendations.
City Commission Authorized the Execution of an Agreement for Janitorial Services
The City Commission authorized the execution of an Agreement for Janitorial Services with 24 Hours, Inc. to provide janitorial services at City facilities.
City Commission Approved Ordinance 23-1 on First Reading
The City Commission has approved an ordinance, on first reading, amending Chapter 2, entitled “Administration,” amending Article XI, Section 2-273, entitled “Procedures for Quasi-Judicial proceedings,” subsection (b)(2). This Ordinance amends the notice of requirements for land development applications in the City to expand the radius of public notice. A mail notice containing the same information as the legal advertisement is to be sent to the Homeowners Associations and Condominium Association and each real property owner within seven hundred (700) feet of the Subject Property. Ordinance 23-1 will be on the February 14, 2023 City Commission agenda for second reading.
City Commission Approved Ordinance 23-2 on First Reading
The City Commission has approved an ordinance on first reading, which amends Chapter 25, Article II of the City’s Code of Ordinances, entitled “Animals and Fowl,” by specifically amending Article I, entitled “In General,” by creating Section 5-4, to be entitled “Harboring and Excessive feeding of Feral Animals and Fowl,” thereby prohibiting the feeding of Feral Animals and Fowl in the City.
Discussions of Note
The City Commission directed City Staff to bring back for consideration Resolution 23-1, amending the Administrative Procedures and Policies for the Conduct of City Commission Business. Resolution 23-1 will be on the February 14, 2023 Commission meeting.
More Information
For more information related to the items on the January 10, 2023 agenda, please visit the City’s website at You can also watch the full meeting by going to
The next City Commission Regular Meeting will be held on January 24, 2023 at 6:30pm at Cooper City Hall located at 9090 SW 50th Place, Cooper City, FL 33328. City Commission Special Recognition meeting scheduled for January 24, 2023 at 5:30pm preceding the Regular City Commission Meeting.