Envision Cooper City's Future: We Need Your Opinions and Ideas
We hope you all are having a beautiful summer and enjoying getting back to normal as we, as a community and nation, recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. With the control of the pandemic (through vaccinations and safety guidelines), it is quickly moving behind us, we can now begin focusing on the future of Cooper City.
For the first time since we became a city in 1959, Cooper City is embarking on the creation of a Strategic Plan – laying out a long-term vision and the priorities that will guide our strategies for the next 10 years.
To create a plan that is a living, actionable document, guiding us to a shared future, we need input and perspectives from the diverse, bright, passionate, and caring people that make up our community.
The Strategic Plan is our chance to think big about what the City’s top goals, objectives and strategies should be for the next several years.
To make it successful and representative of everyone in Cooper City, we need to hear from people like you. Please take a few moments to fill out the brief survey, add your thoughts to the “Ideas Wall,” and share with us your vision for Cooper City’s future by clicking here.
Share your views on our interactive website and by participating in the virtual Town Hall meetings we are hosting in July.
Community Visioning Meetings
6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Monday, July 26 - REGISTER HERE
Wednesday, July 28 - REGISTER HERE
Thursday, July 29 - REGISTER HERE
Please, spread the word about these opportunities to your friends, family and neighbors. The broader the input, the better our plan will be. Your voice matters. It is through listening to the collective voices in our community – and working on our future together – that we continue to make Cooper City “Someplace Special.”
Interactive Website: https://berrydunn.mysocialpinpoint.com/coopercityfl