City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for February 8, 2022
City Commission Approves Purchase of Trailer-Mounted Generator
The City Commission approved the purchase of a trailer-mounted 240-volt generator using the current Florida Sheriff’s Association contract for vehicles and equipment. The Utilities Department had budgeted this purchase to improve its fleet of trailer-mounted generators for powering sewer pumping stations and other facilities when power is not available, primarily during and after storm events. The total cost of the generator and trailer is $54,678, which is within budget.
City Commission Approves Engineering Task Order for Replacement of Effluent Pump
As part of a list of projects to be funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, the City Commission approved a task order with Hazen & Sawyer (H&S) for engineering services associated with the replacement of one treated sewage effluent pump and associated electrical gear. The City uses an effluent pump as one method of disposing treated sewage (also known as effluent). The City’s wastewater treatment plant utilizes four pumps to transmit effluent to Hollywood through a piping system. In September 2020, Effluent Pump #3 was damaged beyond repair by a pressure surge in the system. In considering its replacement, City staff concluded that a new pump should be significantly up-sized to provide greater pumping capacity. This conclusion was reinforced during Tropical Storm Eta in November 2020, during which the wastewater treatment plant experienced an overflow of treated wastewater due to the pumping system’s lack of capacity to transmit sufficient flow. The total cost of engineering services for this project is $107,287.
City Commission Approves Proposal for Engineering Services on SW 49 Street Culvert Repair
As part of a list of projects to be funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, the City Commission approved a proposal for engineering services from The Corradino Group associated with the repair of the SW 49 Street culvert. In June 2020, the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) informed the City that the culvert, which allows SW 49 Street to cross the C-11 South Canal, appeared to be in poor condition and requested that it be inspected and repaired as needed. In August 2020, the culvert was inspected by a qualified bridge inspection firm and their report pointed out numerous defects and points of deterioration. In October 2021, the City’s consulting engineer Corradino prepared a report that evaluated the options for repair or replacement of the culvert, and recommended an in-situ lining repair option. On December 16, 2021, Corradino and City Staff met virtually with SFWMD staff to propose the lining option. SFWMD is amenable to that option, provided that the City submit an engineering analysis indicating that the culvert will still have sufficient capacity after the lining is completed. With City Commission approval, The Corradino Group can now prepare and submit the hydraulic analysis and, assuming a satisfactory result with SFWMD, will prepare the necessary permit applications for the repair work. The total cost of these engineering services is $29,500.
City Commission Approves Bid Award for Resurfacing and General Repairs to the Community Pool at the Pool and Tennis Center
As part of a list of projects to be funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, the city Commission approved a bid award to American Pool & Patio, LLC for the resurfacing and general repairs to the Community Pool at the City’s Pool and Tennis Center. The pool was last resurfaced in 2014. Best practice is to resurface every ten years due to the heavy utilization of the pool by open swimming, swim classes, team training etc. The bid requires that the contractor complete the work within a three-week timeframe with the goal of wrapping up prior to spring break and the start of the summer season. The total cost of this project is $101,595. (*Note: The City had previously provided information that the community pool was last resurfaced 17 years ago in 2005. That information was not accurate, therefore this section has been corrected)
City Commission Approves First Amendment to the Granicus Service Agreement
The City Commission approved a subscription period with Granicus, LLC, which provides the City with closed captioning services, Live Manager Software that connects livestreaming to the City’s website, and media manager which is used to upload agendas for live streaming, archiving, and retention of public meetings. This subscription period will expire on October 14, 2022. The total cost of these services is $20,907.07.
City Commission Approves Purchase Order for Rehabilitation of Gravity Sewer Piping
The City Commission approved an agreement with Shenandoah General Constructions, LLC, to provide gravity sewer rehabilitation services. One of the major components of the City’s Water & Sewer Capital Improvement Master Plan is the rehabilitation of the gravity sewer collection system. Many of the sewer pipes are constructed of vitrified clay and have reached the end of their useful lives. As these pipes age they develop cracks and defects that, left unresolved, lead to increasing amounts of ground water infiltration. Similarly, concrete manholes deteriorate in the aggressive environment found in sewer systems, and can result in infiltration. Groundwater infiltration increases pumping costs and reduces treatment plant capacity. Defects can also lead to backups and overflows and may ultimately undermine the right-of-way to the point of street collapse. The cost of these consequences exceeds the cost of proactive pipe rehabilitation. The least disruptive and most cost-effective means of sewer pipe rehabilitation is by internal lining. Using this process, a structural lining is inserted into the old pipe, essentially becoming a new pipe inside of the old one. The lining has a lifespan that is comparable to a new pipe constructed by conventional trench excavation. Manholes, too, can be rehabilitated and then lined to help extend their useful lives. The Utilities Department has identified 87 laterals, which are pipes and service connections, in the Cooper Estates neighborhood that can be rehabilitated within the limit of this year’s budget. The total cost of these contracted services is $399,999.
City Commission Approves Resolution 22-2
The City Commission approved a first amendment to a Memorandum of Understanding with Broward County and other participating municipalities regarding a collaborative study and subsequent development of an integrated solid waste and recycling system. In July 2019, the City Commission approved a Memorandum of Understanding for the Collaborative Study and Subsequent Development of Integrated Solid Waste and Recycling System. By action of the Broward County Board of County Commissioners on June 15, 2021, the County has agreed to contribute financially up to fifty percent (50%) of the total cost of the Study, with the remainder to be paid by Study Participants. The City Commission has approved Cooper City’s contribution of funds to procure the Study, which will provide the Solid Waste Working Group (SWWG) with information critical to the process of establishing a regional solid waste management system. The City Commission approved a contribution of $9,859.
More Information
For more information related to items on the February 8, 2022 agenda, please visit the City’s website at
The next City Commission Regular Meeting is scheduled for February 22, 2022 at 6:30 PM at Cooper City Hall located at 9090 SW 50 Place, Cooper City, FL 33330.