Cooper City Prepares to Roll Out Traffic Calming Pilot Program

A traffic calming pilot program is about to hit certain neighborhood streets in Cooper City.

During the January 28th City Commission Regular Meeting, an update was provided regarding the upcoming installation of traffic calming devices, specifically speed cushions, at nine locations throughout Cooper City. City Manager Alex Rey provided information that speed cushions are expected to be delivered the week of February 3, 2025, and installation to begin in the month of February. The City expects installation to take approximately one week for each location, barring inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances.  In December 2024, the City Commission approved a piggyback agreement from the City of Plantation agreement No. 033-23 with Transportation Solutions and Lighting, Inc. for the purchase of speed cushions for the City’s traffic calming pilot program. This approval came after a traffic calming study helped identify the following nine locations:

  • Hiatus Road – from Stirling Road to SW 55 Street
  • SW 52 Street – from SW 94 Avenue to SW 95 Avenue
  • SW 113 Avenue – from Stirling Road to SW 55 Street
  • SW 118 Avenue – from SW 49 Street to SW 52 Street
  • Stonebridge Parkway – from W Lake Boulevard to NE Lake Boulevard
  • SW 49 Street – from Flamingo Road to SW 118 Avenue
  • Stonebridge Parkway – NE Lake Boulevard to SE Lake Boulevard
  • SW 52 Street – from SW 90 Avenue to SW 88 Terrace

These nine locations require twenty-six (26) total speed cushions, each 6 feet wide by 24 feet long by 3 inches in height. This pilot program will allow City staff to observe the reduction of speed and improved safety on these corridors and determine whether to keep the speed cushions in place, relocate them, or convert them to permanent speed humps (constructed of asphalt) within the budget process.