City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for November 30, 2021
City Commission Approves Multiple Plans for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021
The City of Cooper City will be receiving a total of $17,930,000 through ARPA, which will arrive in two tranches. The first tranche of $8,965,280 was received on September 28, 2021. The U.S. Treasury has provided broad guidance on ways which these federal funds can be utilized to support public health expenditures, address negative economic impacts caused by COVID-19, replace lost revenue, provide premium pay for essential workers, and for investments in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure. During the October 26, 2021 regular Commission meeting, the City Commission provided direction to move forward with a recommended list of projects, while also requesting more information on other proposed projects. City staff has now provided more information on those proposed projects, which can be found online at However, the “Cloud Conversion with BS&A for Enterprise Resource Planning” was removed from the list of proposed projects. The City Commission discussed possibilities for reallocating the $300,000 that this project would have cost, but did not make a decision at this time.
City Commission Approves Agreement with Strategic Philanthropy, Inc. to Administer Community Support & Grant Assistance Programs, Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021
The City Commission approved an agreement with Strategic Philanthropy, a consultant which will help the City expedite the process of supporting eligible members of our community who continue to be adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Strategic Philanthropy will collaborate with staff to manage the process of setting up an application portal, website, marketing content, processing applications, reporting and closeout in the mission to provide community support and assistance programs. Through ARPA, the City Commission approved maximum allocations of $300,000 for small business assistance, $200,000 for residential utility assistance, $250,000 for residential mortgage assistance, and $50,000 for residential rental assistance. The preliminary timeline has the project being initiated in early 2022 and running approximately one year.
City Commission Approves Work Order for Programming and Feasibility Study by Chen Moore and Associates for Expansion of City Hall
The City Commission approved to fund a project that will allow staff to move forward with technical feasibility study and conceptual alternatives for the potential expansion of City Hall. As the City expands its services and considers insourcing police, there will be need for more space to accommodate the required support staff. The fiscal impact of this phase is $50,105 to be funded from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021. In accordance with ARPA guidelines, this expansion will enable for better social distancing measures to better accommodate visitors, staff and activities. This study will be returned to the City Commission prior to moving to the planning, design, permitting, and construction phases.
City Commission Approves American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 Project Installation of 24 Fixed Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs)
The City Commission previously approved the inclusion of a public safety technology plan as part of the City’s ARPA projects. The first phase of this public safety technology plan involves the placement of strategically planned ALPRs throughout Cooper City. Among many benefits, ALPRs are a versatile technology that offer mobile and real-time alerts to public safety officers that warn of: stolen vehicles, wanted/felonious person, and missing/endangered persons. Our City’s public safety team estimates that this new technology will begin being installed at planned locations in early 2022. The total cost for this technology is $391,910.73 which will be funded through ARPA.
City Commission Approves Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) Appropriation for Public Safety Equipment
The City Commission approved the expenditure of $95,000 from the LETF to purchase equipment that will complement the fixed Automated License Plate Readers and add new versatility to the City’s public safety capabilities. The purchase will include one Mobile Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) Multi-Sensor Platform and Trailer, one message board outfitted with a PTZ camera, and three L5Q solar License Plate Readers which will supplement the fixed ALPRs being purchased through ARPA funding.
City Commission Approves Agreement with Government and ERP Implementation Services LLC, to Provide Fiscal Year End Processing and General Municipal Financial Assistance
The City Commission approved the allocation of up to $40,000 for a consultant’s services to aid staff in critical financial functions, such as maintaining monthly reconciliations, financial statements, trial balances, while also preparing the annual closeout of the fiscal year and the preparation of Comprehensive Annual Financial Audit. The consultant will provide assistance while the City carries out its recruitment efforts for a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The approved amount of up to $40,000 will be covered with the salary savings of the vacant CFO position and a vacant accountant position.
City Commission Approves Resolution 21-54
The City Commission approved a resolution, which approves the agreement between Broward County and the City of Cooper City for the funding of the 47th year of the Community Development Block Grant program for the Senior Transportation Program. Through the grant, Cooper City was awarded $18,000 for its Senior Transportation Program which is facilitated by the Recreation Department.
City Commission Approves Resolution 21-55
The City Commission approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by and between the Broward Sheriff’s Office and the City of Cooper City. This MOU will resolve a dispute between the City and the Broward Sheriff’s Office in regard to United States currency which was seized as a result of a traffic stop that took place in Cooper City in July 2014. The City of Cooper City has asserted that it was entitled to $1,269,369.00, which was the federal asset sharing award to BSO, due to the traffic stop in the City. Multiple negotiations have taken place in the effort to resolve the dispute. In 2019, the City of Cooper City and the Broward Sheriff’s Office entered an informal agreement that the Broward Sheriff’s Office would use the federal sharing award to purchase radios for law enforcement and fire rescue personnel assigned to Cooper City under the police and fire services agreements. However, when the first of three annual installment payments for the radios and related equipment came due in May 2020, the City and Broward Sheriff’s Office did not have an agreement for police and fire services in place. For that reason, the first installment was paid from the City’s general revenue fund rather than the federal asset sharing award. On October 1, 2020, the City entered into agreements for police and fire services with the Broward Sheriff’s Office. In May 2021, the second installment payment for the radios was paid by the Broward Sheriff’s Office from the federal sharing award. The third installment will come due in May 2022. The MOU will also provide the City with ownership of the radios and related equipment and any public safety asset acquired through the Public Safety Purchase during the term of the agreements for police and/or fire services, and upon expiration or termination of the agreements for police and/or fire services. During the meeting, the City Commission also discussed the option of BSO allocating a portion of the federal sharing award for the payment of School Resource Officers (SROs). Language pertaining to the SROs will be added to the MOU. For more information on this MOU, please visit:
City Commission Approves Resolution 21-56
The City Commission approved an agreement allowing Bill Clark Academy, LLC to continue serving as the Tennis Contractor at the Pool and Tennis Center. The contract term shall be for a period of one year, commencing on December 1, 2021. Bill Clark Academy, LLC will pay $3,600 (facility use fee) to the City of Cooper City on a monthly basis.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 21-27 on First Reading
The City Commission approved, upon first reading, the re-creation and re-establishment of the geographic boundaries for four election districts in accordance with section 3.03 of the City Charter. The ordinance will be brought forward for second reading during the next City Commission Regular Meeting on December 14, 2021. To view the proposed district map, please visit:
City Commission Approves Ordinance 21-25 on Second Reading
The City Commission approved an ordinance allowing for an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 budget. For more information on this amendment, please visit and
City Commission Approves Ordinance 21-26
The City Commission approved an ordinance providing for regulation of vacation rentals that is consistent with Florida law and enforceable. This ordinance establishes a vacation rental registration and permit process to ensure the health, safety, and quality of life for our residents.
More Information
For more information related to items on the November 30, 2021 agenda, please visit the City’s website at: You can also watch a recording of the full meeting by going to
The next City Commission Regular Meeting is December 14, 2021.