City Commission Meeting Brief for December 13, 2022
City Commission Approves Reclassification of Utilities Electrician to Utilities Electrician/Foreman and Adjusts Pay Grade
The City Commission approved the reclassification of the position of Utilities Electrician to Utilities Electrician/Foreman from the existing Pay Grade of 16 to the proposed Pay Grade of 17, reflecting a higher level of job duties performed by the employee in the current position. The current Utilities Electrician was hired in January 2019. At that time, the employee was advised that the City would either hire a lead electrician or an electrician assistant to support him in maintaining the infrastructure of the Utilities Department. Unfortunately, that support did not materialize and the employee continues to be a single person operation. There is no licensed back up in case of a serious electrical problem at the treatment plants or lift stations. The Utilities Director has consulted with the Plant Supervisor, Field Supervisor, Chief Plant Operators and foremen. They all unequivocally support the reclassification of the position and consider the current employee to be valuable for the operation of the treatment plant and lift stations. To ensure continuity of operations, the Department will request a new position of an assistant electrician in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget as envisioned before.
City Commission Approves Amendment Agreement for Crossing Guard Services
The City Commission approved the first amendment agreement with The Butler Group of South Florida, LLC d/b/a Nextaff for crossing guard services. The City contracts crossing guard services for five public schools in the City. The schools in which the crossing guard services are provided are Cooper City Elementary, Embassy Creek Elementary, Griffin Elementary, Pioneer Middle School and Cooper City High School. There are 20 posts within the City. With this approval, the contractual company, Nextaff, will remain in service with the City through March 2023, avoiding an interruption of service in the middle of the school year. Staff will bring additional options forward for the completion of the school year later. Funds are currently budgeted in the Contractual Services – Crossing Guards budget item. With the increase in the Florida Minimum wage and other factors, the hourly rate is $21.07 per hour/employee.
City Commission Amends and Approves Temporary Agreement for Towing Services
The City Commission approved a temporary six-month agreement with Westway Towing, Inc. On June 23, 2020, the City Commission approved a contract for towing services with Bazin Corp. d/b/a A&B Towing Service. The terms of the agreement were to commence on July 1, 2020 and terminate on June 30, 2025. The agreement could be extended for one five (5) year period under the same terms and conditions, if mutually agreed upon by both parties. However, the City was recently notified that A&B Towing Service will discontinue providing service to the City on December 31, 2022. The City Commission amended the agreement to state that the vendor may not solicit, as defined by Florida law, for collision services. Given the importance of this service to the City, staff has engaged the temporary services (six-month) of Westway Towing, Inc. to provide towing service to the City to allow the City to procure long-term services through its normal procurement process.
City Commission Approves Purchase of Additional License Plate Reader Cameras
The City Commission approved the purchase of five (5) additional multi-sensor cameras to accompany License Plate Readers (LPRs) across the city. Among many benefits, LPRs are a versatile technology that offer mobile and real-time alerts to public safety officers that warn of: stolen vehicles, wanted/felonious persons, and missing/endangered persons. The multi-sensor cameras will support the objectives of LPRs by providing detailed and real-time information to public safety officers. The total cost of this purchase is $26,433.05 and will be budgeted through American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 funding.
City Commission Provides Direction to Draft Resolution that Amends City Administrative Procedures for 11:30 PM End Time to City Commission Regular Meetings
The City Commission reached a consensus and directed the City Attorney to draft a resolution that amends the City’s Administrative Procedures to institute an 11:30 PM end time for City Commission Regular Meetings.
City Commission Provides Direction to Place Items on Commission Agenda in Order of Seniority with Alternating Order
The City Commission reached a consensus and directed the City Attorney to draft a resolution that amends the City’s Administrative Procedures to institute a method of placing items on meeting agendas based upon the submitter’s seniority, with alternating order.
City Commission Amends and Approves Ordinance 22-26 on Second Reading
The City Commission has approved an ordinance, on second reading, which amends Chapter 25, Article II of the City’s Code of Ordinances, entitled “Signs;” by specifically amending Section 25-26, entitled “Window Signs;” and thereby permitting all colors to be eligible for window signs. This amendment also limits all permitted types of lit window signage to be illuminated only during business hours. During the second reading of this ordinance an amendment was added to prohibit window encasement lighting.
City Commission Provides Direction to Amend City Manager’s Contract
The City Commission reached a consensus and directed the City Attorney to amend the City Manager’s contract, waiving a provision that prohibits the City Manager from applying for other employment, following the City Manager’s notification that he will not be renewing his contract set to expire in February 2023.
Discussions of Note
The City Commission provided the City Attorney with direction to draft an ordinance that would address the feeding of wildlife at a level considered to be a public nuisance. Following public input, the City Commission cited cases of excessive feeding and health hazards posed by attracting a large amount of wildlife on one property. A drafted ordinance is expected to be presented to the City Commission during the next regular meeting scheduled for January 10, 2023.
City staff provided an update on the effort to establish a new dog park, following the closure of Forest Lake Dog Park earlier this year. Staff provided an update on discussions between the City and Broward County aimed at potentially building a dog park at Brian Piccolo County Park. It is estimated that the City would need to take part in a cost share of approximately $300,000 to $400,000. Due to the potential price, the City Commission directed staff to revisit the potential of building a dog park within an existing City Park. Flamingo Park and Jerry Morgan Park were two suggestions. City staff will now look at the feasibility of establishing a dog park at the suggested parks.
The City Commission directed staff to schedule a Special City Commission Meeting for December 21, 2022 at 7:15 PM at City Hall, to further discuss next steps with regard to the search for a new City Manager.
More Information
For more information related to the items on the December 13, 2022 agenda, please visit the City’s website at
The next City Commission Regular Meeting will be held on January 10, 2023 at 6:30 PM at Cooper City City Hall located at 9090 SW 50 Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.