Special City Commission Meeting Brief for November 16, 2021


City Commission Approves Redistricting Map, Allowing for Ordinance on First Reading
The City Commission approved what was referred to as redistricting map alternative “3C.”  During a previous Special City Commission Meeting, the Commission directed Florida Atlantic University’s John Scott Dailey Florida Institute to bring forward options for the redistricting of Cooper City in compliance with the City Charter which calls for the City Commission to adjust the election district configurations so that no election district has a population variance of more than 10% from any other election district.  The City Commission approved a redistricting map that will provide more of a quadrant approach to the district map, and also improves compactness and population equity among the districts.  The map will now be brought forward as an Ordinance on First Reading during the next City Commission Regular Meeting on November 30, 2022.  The public will have an opportunity to provide comments and input, during the regular meeting.

City Commission Approves Resolution 21-53
The City Commission approved the Second Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with Broward County for Solid Waste Disposal Support Services.  This disposal agreement carries through at least July 2, 2028 providing for the stability needed to advertise and award a new solid waste and recycling hauling agreement to serve the needs of Cooper City residents and businesses.  For more information on the fiscal impact, please visit our page containing background on the item.

More Information
For more information related to items on the November 16, 2021 agenda, please visit the City's website at: https://meetings.municode.com/adaHtmlDocument/index?cc=COOPERCITY&me=1418e18f21e84bdd8368430ddb66fe77&ip=true.  You can also watch the full meeting by going to www.CooperCityFL.org/WatchMeeting.

The next City Commission Regular Meeting is November 30, 2021.