City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for April 9, 2024

City Commission Approves Award of Bid for Sludge Disposal Services
The City Commission approved the award of Bid No. ITB 2024-1-UTL, Sludge Disposal Services, to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidder, Synagro South, LLC, to remove, transport, and properly dispose of Class B wastewater Biosolids (sludge) from the Wastewater Treatment Plant and enter into an agreement at a rate not to exceed $37.50 per Cubic Yard. The projected annual volume amounts to 6,000 cubic yards, with a total estimated cost of $225,000.00. There is sufficient funding available in the Water and Sewer Utility Fund.

City Commission Approves Award of Bid for Effluent Pump Replacement
The City Commission approved the award of Bid, No. ITB 2023-05- UTL, Effluent Pump #3 Replacement, to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder, GlobalTech, Inc., and to enter into an agreement in the amount not to exceed $770,900.00 and a separate project contingency in the amount of $77,000.00, representing approximately 10% of the contract price. The Final Completion date of the project is 365 calendar days from Notice to Proceed. This project falls within U.S. Treasury guidelines for federal funding through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021.

City Commission Approves Professional Services Agreement
The City Commission approved the renewal of the professional services agreement with Witt O'Briens LLC. This decision comes on the heels of City staff’s recommendation, acknowledging the invaluable support provided by Witt O'Briens LLC in managing complex federal assistance programs. Notably, they have played a pivotal role in navigating regulations associated with programs like the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Their expertise has been instrumental in maximizing funding opportunities and streamlining the federal grants management lifecycle. The renewed agreement ensures the continuation of specialized assistance crucial for managing federal assistance programs effectively. Services provided by Witt O'Briens LLC include grant administration, compliance monitoring, financial management, and reporting. This renewal underscores the city's commitment to maintaining operational continuity and accountability in the utilization of federal funds.

City Commission Approves Piggyback Agreement for Insurance Brokerage Services
The City Commission approved a piggyback agreement from the City of Parkland with RSC Insurance Brokerage, Inc. d/b/a Gehring Group, for insurance brokerage services. This agreement will run concurrently with the City of Parkland’s agreement, contingent upon the extension of the City of Parkland’s agreement with the terms and conditions acceptable to the City. The City of Parkland’s agreement with the Gehring Group is valid for two (2) years as of October 1, 2022, with the option for renewal for three (3) additional one-year terms through written consent.

City Commission Approves Purchase Order for Waster Service Line Replacement
The City Commission approved the issuance of a purchase orderto Miller Pipeline, LLC., for the Flamingo Gardens water service line replacement, utilizing the previously executed piggyback agreement between the City and the contractor from the City of Ocala contract CIP/220762, in the amount not to exceed $322,715.00. The piggyback agreement that the city has entered into with Miller Pipeline, LLC. is set to expire on January 8, 2025. However, the City of Ocala can renew the agreement for up to two additional one-year terms. The Flamingo Gardens neighborhood, comprising approximately 174 multifamily residential units situated south of SW 51st Street and east of Flamingo Road in Cooper City, has been grappling with a series of water service leaks and pipe breaks attributed to aging infrastructure. To address this issue, the City issued a purchase order to Chen Moore and Associates in November 2021 for the design of water service line replacements. Despite these efforts, there have been over 55 additional leaks in the neighborhood since then, necessitating repairs by the City's staff. This ongoing situation is significantly affecting our operational efficiency, diverting essential resources away from crucial infrastructure maintenance and disrupting the schedules of concurrent projects. Moreover, many of these leaks occur outside of regular working hours, leading to increased overtime costs. Sufficient funds are available in the Water & Sewer Fund.

City Commission Approves Multiple Job Descriptions
The City Commission approved job descriptions for multiple positions within the Community Development Department along with the description for the Buyer position in the Finance Department. The positions within the Community Development Department include: Administrative Coordinator, Administrative Specialist, Assistant Building Official, Assistant Community Development Director, Building Inspector, Building Official, Chief Electrical Inspector, Chief Mechanical Inspector, Chief Plumbing Inspector, Chief Structural Inspector, Community Development Director, Electrical Inspector, IT Technician, Mechanical Inspector, Planner, Plumbing Inspector, Senior Administrative Assistant, Structural Inspector.

City Commission Directs City Staff to Send Letter to Broward County Regarding Intersection
The City Commission has directed City staff to send a letter to the Broward County Administrator and Broward County Commission, urging them to install left turn signals at the northbound and southbound traffic lights at the intersection of Stirling Road and SW 106 Avenue/Embassy Drive North.

City Commission Approves Task Work Order for Traffic Operational Analysis and the Preparation of Plans and Permitting for Construction of a Roundabout
The City Commission approved a task work order with The Corradino Group, Inc. for a traffic operational analysis and the preparation of plans and permitting for the construction of a roundabout at the Hiatus Road and NE Lake Boulevard intersection in the amount of $149,750. On May 9, 2016, a traffic study was conducted by Calvin, Giordano and Associates, Inc., which indicated the need to reduce excessive speeds and address right-angle crashes at the Hiatus Road and NE Lake Blvd. intersection. The findings did not warrant a new traffic signal based on traffic data collected, however the 85th percentile speed along Hiatus Road between Sheridan Street and Stirling Road exceeded the posted speed limit of 40 MPH by 7 to 10 miles per hour based on traffic data collected. Due to excessive speeds and the frequency of right-angle crashes, the 2016 study recommended evaluating measures to reduce the 85th percentile speed along Hiatus Road. To address this issue, The Corradino Group, Inc., will undertake the traffic operational analysis, submit the analysis to Broward county Traffic Engineering for review and approval, and provide engineering design and permitting services for the installation of the roundabout.

City Commission Approves Updates to Investment Policy
The City Commission has approved direction that allows City staff to update the City’s investment policy, change the City’s operating account bank, and transfer funds to institutions providing the highest rates of return. It is estimated that by updating the City’s Portfolio options, transferring deposits to banks providing higher rates of return, and changing the bank for our operating account, interest earned should add $700,000-$1,000,000 to the City’s general fund reserves.

City Commission Approves Agreement for Purchase of Water Meters and Repair Parts
The City Commission has approved a piggyback agreement from Broward County Contract No. IND2122200B2, Water Meters, and Repair Parts, with Consolidated Pipe & Supply Company, Inc., in the amount of $359,362.00, for the purchase of Zenner Water Meters. The City is facing ongoing challenges with its Advanced Water Meter Infrastructure. Of the 11,869 water meters installed, approximately 6,690 are advanced meters, with the rest being manual. These advanced meters have brought about various issues including failures, connectivity problems, and data inaccuracies, leading to a decrease in annual utility revenue estimated at $1,632,587.95. The city's annual expenditure on software and maintenance exceeds $63,000. These challenges divert resources from essential infrastructure maintenance and affect project timelines, requiring extra resources and impacting operational efficiency. Additionally, delayed contractor response times worsen the situation, and replacements for malfunctioning meters may take 6 to 8 weeks, adding further complexity. After conducting a thorough analysis, it became clear that the expenses associated with maintaining the existing advanced meter system, coupled with revenue loss and staff compensation, surpass the potential migration costs from advanced to manual meters. Therefore, City staff recommend adopting a phased approach to replace malfunctioning meters with more reliable alternatives. Beginning with the most problematic advanced meters allows for a gradual transition to a more stable and efficient system. While increasing manual meters necessitates hiring additional resources for meter reading, this strategic shift promises better financial outcomes compared to ongoing maintenance costs. In conclusion, addressing challenges from advanced water meters requires a strategic and progressive replacement approach. By systematically replacing malfunctioning meters and transitioning to manual meters in a controlled manner, we can mitigate revenue losses, streamline operations, and ensure accurate utility billing. The Zenner manual meters are $65.05 each, and the check valves are $44.79 each, totaling $109.84 for a complete water installation. There is sufficient funding for this agreement in the Water & Sewer Fund.

City Commission Approves Purchase of Water Meter Fittings and Water Line Accessories
The City Commission approved the purchase of Watts Dual Check Valves from Ferguson Waterworks for $246,345.00 using the NIGP SEFL Cooperative Contract No. ITB #2018- 19/12, Water Meter Fittings and Water Line Accessories. This purchase complements the aforementioned purchase of water meters. There is sufficient funding for this purchase in the Water & Sewer Fund.

City Commission Appoints Director, Alternate, and Second Alternate to the Broward League of Cities Board of Directors
The City Commission has appointed Commissioner Jeremy Katzman as Director, Commissioner Ryan Shrouder as Alternate, and Commissioner Lisa Mallozzi as Second Alternate to the Broward League of Cities Board of Directors.

City Commission Approves Resolution 24-06
The City Commission passed a resolution which approves the City’s application for funding the 50th year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for minor home repairs, purchase assistance, and senior transportation programs. Broward County receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Broward County administers these funds and allocates a portion to the City of Cooper City for Minor Home Repairs, Purchase Assistance, and Senior Transportation Programs. The Minor Home Repairs and Purchase Assistance programs are facilitated through the Community Development Department. The Senior Transportation program is facilitated through the Parks and Recreation Department. The Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Transportation Program, is applying for $15,000 for the 50th funding year. This amount is consistent with previous applications and previously approved requests. The Community Development Department, Purchase Assistance and Minor Home Repair Program is applying for $78,103.63 to be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. This amount is consistent with previous applications and approved requests. The Parks and Recreation Department budgets for a $20,000 in-kind match for the operation of the Senior Transportation Program. The Community Development Department has no Fiscal Impact relative to the oversite of the program.

City Commission Approves Resolution 24-07
The City Commission passed a resolution which approves the agreement between the Florida Department of Transportation and the City for design and construction of Hiatus Road traffic safety improvements. The combined estimated project coast is $990,000 and expected to span Fiscal Year 2024 through 2026. The estimated project cost is broken down as follows: Phase I (FY24) utilizing State-Funded Grant dollars through Florida Department of Transportation. The estimated project cost is $520,000.00, with Cooper City's maximum participation set at $150,000.00 for design costs and the Florida Department of Transportation's maximum participation at $370,000.00 for partial construction costs. Phase II (FY24-26): The project is anticipated to utilize State-Funded Grant dollars through the Florida Department of Transportation, with an estimated project cost of $470,000.00 for the balance of construction and related expenses. An additional funding request of $470,000.00 is currently awaiting approval. If approved, Cooper City's maximum participation is estimated at $141,000.00, while the Florida Department of Transportation's maximum participation is estimated at $329,000.00.

City Commission Approves Resolution 24-08
The City Commission passed a resolution to rename Flamingo Park in Cooper City as Michael D. Riordan “City Mike” Park. Michael D. Riordan was a resident of Cooper City for 44 years and served as a City employee of Cooper City for over 23 years in the Parks and Recreation Department as a Sports Complex Attendant and then in the Public Works Department as an attendant until his retirement in September of 2021. Mr. Riordan loved golf and all sports, sharing this love of sports with the community by volunteering countless hours at City fundraisers and with the Optimist Club of Cooper City of which he was a lifetime member. Mr. Riordan was nicknamed “City Mike” by his Cooper City Optimist Club friends because of his constant attendance at City parks and his love for Cooper City. His involvement and love of sports within Cooper City garnered him numerous friendships and the name of “Grand Dad” to thousands of children playing on the city's fields. Mr. Riordan passed on January 11, 2024.

City Commission Approves Resolution 24-09
The City Commission passed a resolution to amend Schedule (D) of Ordinance No. 85-10-01, relating to backflow preventer testing charges within Cooper City. This resolution approves a transition from a flat rate system for the Backflow Preventer testing fee, to one that is subject to fees provided by the service provider. This transition aims to establish a more flexible and fair fee structure that aligns with current market standards. The current contracted rate with the service provider is $70.00. The City was previously charging $55.00 for Backflow Preventer Testing Fee.

City Commission Rejects Ordinance 24-05 on First Reading
The City Commission rejected an ordinance, which would have reduced the waiting period for naming City property, buildings, structures, and facilities after people who have died from ninety days to thirty days.

City Commission Approves Ordinance 24-06 on First Reading
The City Commission approved, on first reading, an amendment to Ordinance 23-21, which amends the budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 for the City by establishing a Solid Waste Enterprise Fund.

City Commission Defers Ordinances 24-07 and 24-08
The City Commission deferred two ordinances related to Cooper City’s Firefighters Retirement Plan. The ordinances will be included within the agenda for the next City Commission Regular Meeting scheduled for April 30, 2024.

City Commission Approves Ordinance 24-02 on Second Reading
The City Commission approved an amendment, on second reading, to Ordinance No. 2023-21, which provides for an amended budget for Fiscal Year 2024. This budget amendment serves to appropriate funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 to implement the projects being considered under the City’s Plan and authorize the City Manager to re-appropriate funds within each eligible expenditure category for project implementation. At the October 26, 2021, November 30, 2021, and January 25, 2022 City Commission meetings, the Commission approved a final list of projects and initiatives using ARPA funds. These projects were memorialized in the budget adopted by the City in September of 2022. This past summer, a new budget for ARPA was not adopted; instead, that budget was delayed for an opportunity to completely review and rework the budget with the assistance of the consulting firm Witt O’Brien’s. The result is a prepared multi-year ARPA budget for the Commission’s consideration. To expend the funds for these projects and initiatives, it was recommended that a budget amendment be approved. This item was brought before the City Commission on January 23, 2024 and City staff worked to incorporate changes to the summary and the budget based on requested feedback from the City Commission. See the revised ARPA Budget Summary.

More Information:
For more information related to items on the April 9, 2024 agenda, please visit:

The next City Commission Regular Meeting will be held on April 30, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Cooper City Hall located at 9090 SW 50 Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.