City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for November 19, 2024

City Commission Approves Resolution Regarding Site Plan Approval for FPL Substation
The City Commission approved Resolution 24-43 that grants site plan approval pursuant to Site Plan Petition SP# 4-1-24 for the approximately 29.75 acres of real property known as the FPL Sheridan Street Substation generally located at 830 Pine Island Road in Cooper City. This Site Plan proposes a new compound to the north of the existing Sheridan Substation. The new yard is approximately 3.2 acres in area and will be enclosed/secured by a 12-foot-tall precast wall concealed with hedges and trees. The applicant agreed to paint the wall the same color as the Monterra perimeter walls. The compound will have high-voltage electrical equipment and a state-approved 680 square foot precast relay vault and 465 square foot battery vault. The plans also include a new asphalt roadway which will provide the primary access to the compound. There is a secondary emergency access point on the northeast corner. Both areas will utilize the existing roadway entrance off Pine Island Road. This new compound is an unmanned facility so no exterior parking spaces are required and on average will only be visited by maintenance personnel twice per month. The substation is needed to provide increased reliability to the local electrical service and will be used for the transformation, regulation, and distribution of electricity. The expansion will accommodate transmission lines and associated electrical equipment. The substation is linked to a highly sensitive monitoring/alarm system which will detect if any of the equipment is not operating within design standards.

City Commission Approves Hiring of Accounting Trainee
The City Commission approved and authorized the hiring of an accounting trainee not to exceed $13,000 per annum at 12 hours per week at $20 per hour. Accounting trainee programs play a crucial role in the career development of aspiring accountants. They provide invaluable opportunities for students and recent graduates to gain practical experience, develop relevant skills, and foster professional connections. On August 16, 2024, an accountant position was eliminated with an associated salary of $66,887. The hiring of the accountant trainee at $13,000 per annum is more than covered by the cost saving of elimination of the accountant position.

City Commission Approves Budget Transfer for Payment of Line of Credit
The City Commission approved a budget transfer for the payoff of the line of credit drawn by the City in the amount of $50,000 plus accrued interest of $1,253.28. On November 3, 2022, the City renewed its qualified tax-exempt Emergency Line of Credit Revolving Note with a maximum borrowing amount of $10,000,000. During the year ending September 30, 2023, the City withdrew $50,001 under this agreement. In December 2023, the new CFO had the line, which had been drawn, repaid as there appeared to be no documented reason as to why the line had been drawn in the first place.

City Commission Approves First Amendment to Agreement for Capital Improvement Project Management Services
The City Commission approved a first amendment to extend the agreement with MGT Impact Solutions, LLC until January 31, 2025, ensuring continuity of Capital Improvement Management services. On September 24, 2024, the City of Cooper City entered into an agreement with MGT Impact Solutions, LLC for interim capital improvement project management services. The original term of the agreement is set to expire on November 29, 2024. This first amendment extends the contract through January 31, 2025, under the same terms and conditions. This extension will allow the City to maintain oversight of ongoing capital projects without interruption while evaluating long-term management solutions. Although the agreement extends to November 29th, City staff needed to fund these line items from October 1, 2024, requiring funding for 18 weeks. This position is split between two City departments. Staff will be funding from the Salaries-Regular line item from each department. The contracted rate is $123.20/hour or $4,928/week, which amounts to a total of $88,704.

City Commission Approves Interlocal Agreement for Film Permitting Services
The City Commission approved an Interlocal Agreement with Broward County for Film Permitting Services to formalize the relationship between the City and Broward County to perform film permitting services on behalf of the City. To make Broward County a more desirable destination for film, television, and other entertainment productions, this Interlocal Agreement establishes uniform processes for the application, issuance, and management of permits for productions.

City Commission Approves Purchase of Playground Equipment
The City Commission approved the purchase of playground equipment from Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. d/b/a Gametime, via OMNIA Partners contracts for Playground Equipment, Outdoor Fitness Equipment, Surfacing, Site Accessories and Related Products Gametime for $346,223.59. The equipment is specifically being purchased for the Community Center Tot Lot and Michael “City Mike” Riordan Park (formerly known as Flamingo Park). The City applied for and received two grants through the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) to purchase new and replacement playground equipment and landscaping; per the provisions of the grant, the closeout date for both projects is April 30, 2025.

  1. Community Center Tot Lot (FRDAP Grant Project #A23083)—The City received a $50,000, 100% no-match grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to replace playground equipment and upgrade landscaping at the Community Center Tot Lot Park. The total project cost is $108,798.15.
  2. Michael Riordan Park (FRDAP Grant Project #A23046) – The City was awarded $112,500 for purchasing and installing playground equipment and landscaping, with a required $37,500 match. The total project cost is $237,425.44.

The initial Fiscal Year 2023 Budget for both projects was $200,000. The purchase is to separate the two project line items for grant purposes. The additional funding required ($146,223.59) will be temporarily re-appropriated from the Kozak Park Playground Replacement Project (Project Code 24004) budgeted for $200,000 in Fiscal Year 2024. Project PW009 is now strictly for the Michael Riordan Park Project, and Project CCTLP was established for the Community Center Tot Lot Project. The Non-Grant Kozak Park Project will be addressed and re-funded to the extent necessary during the Fiscal Year 2025 budget amendment process.


City Commission Approves Resolution Providing for Issuance of Keys to the City by a Supermajority Vote of the City Commission24-42
The City Commission approved Resolution 24-42, which amends Resolution No. 05-5-1 by further amending the administrative procedures and policies for the conduct of the City Commission business. Resolution 24-42 ensures that a supermajority vote of the City Commission governs any future presentations of the Keys to the City. aAwarding of a Key to the City would require a supermajority. The City of Cooper City initially established administrative procedures for City Commission business through Resolution No. 05-5-1. Since then, several amendments have been adopted to address evolving needs. With the approval of Resolution 24-42, the City Commission introduced additional provisions regarding the issuance of Keys to the City, limiting future awards to recipients approved by a supermajority vote. This symbolic gesture, previously given only to the City’s founder, Morris Cooper, is intended to be an exceptional honor, reinforcing its significance to the City’s identity.


City Commission Approves Ordinance 24-23 on First Reading to Eliminate the City Code Regulating Keys to the City
The City Commission approved Ordinance 24-23, on first reading, which will amend Chapter 2 of the City’s Code of Ordinances, entitled “Administration,” Article I, entitled “In General,” by specifically amending Section 2-8, entitled “Naming and Recognition Procedures,” eliminating the City Code regulating Keys to the City. In the past, the City of Cooper City formalized the issuance of Keys to the City under Resolution No. 05-5-1, which was further amended several times to refine administrative procedures. The codified regulations for Keys to the City were established in Ordinance 19-8-1. However, the City Commission now seeks to remove these provisions from the City Code and regulate this honor through the resolution process. This ordinance amendment ensures that future recognitions can be managed more flexibly, without the constraints of codification. This Ordinance will be brought forward for a second reading during the City Commission Regular Meeting scheduled for December 10, 2024.

More Information
For more information related to items on the November 19, 2024 agenda, please visit:

The next City Commission Regular Meeting will be held on December 10, 2024 at 6:30 PM at City Hall located at 9090 SW 50 Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.