City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for February 13, 2024
City Commission Appoints New Member to Green Advisory Board
Ileana Ryan was appointed by the City Commission to serve on Cooper City's Green Advisory Board. As a member of this board, she will contribute to environmental initiatives and policies aimed at promoting sustainability within the city.
City Commission Approves Resolution to Co-Designate SE Lake Boulevard as Robert Becker Boulevard
The City Commission voted unanimously to forgo a 90-day waiting period and adopted a resolution that will co-designate SE Lake Boulevard as Robert Becker Boulevard, following the death of Embassy Creek Elementary School Principal Robert Becker. Robert Becker dedicated his career to educating and inspiring students, colleagues, and peers. Cooper City is forever grateful to Mr. Becker for the impact he made on the lives of countless Cooper City children and their families while spending a major portion of his career at Embassy Creek Elementary School. It is through his care for others and his passion for inspiring those he met that we know his legacy will live on.
City Commission Approves Vehicle Purchase for Utilities Department
The City Commission approved the purchase of a 2024 Ford F-350 Super CAB Truck for the Utilities Department from Alan Jay Automotive Management, Inc. Florida State Term Contract #25100000-23-STC for Utility Equipment is being utilized for this purchase, in the amount not to exceed $66,607.60. The approved amount is an approved item with in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget. Given the Fleet Department's rating system, which commences at 25 and increases with the vehicle's age and mileage, the current Truck #9387 rate is at 50, well beyond the threshold indicating that replacement is long overdue. Recognizing the direct impact of this truck on the maintenance and functionality of the City's utility infrastructure, its timely replacement is imperative to ensure that all components operate at optimal efficiency.
City Commission Approves Award of Bid No. ITB-2023-6-UTL
The City Commission approved the award of Bid, No. ITB 2023-6-UTL for Pump Station #55 Generator Replacement, to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidder, Hinterland Group, Inc., and to enter into an agreement in the amount not to exceed $767,500. The approval also allows for a separate project contingency in the amount of $76,750, representing 10% of the contract price. The replace of the current Pump Station #55 Generations is a crucial upgrade to this specific pump station which has been in operation since the 1980s. Due to the scarcity of hard-to-find spare parts, the pump station is struggling to function efficiently. For competitive solicitation, the Purchasing Division released an Invitation to Bid (ITB), 2023-6- UTL, titled Pump Station #55 Generator Replacement, in the Sun Sentinel newspaper on October 27, 2023 along with posting it on DemandStar, an electronic purchasing portal. On December 6, 2023 at 3:00 P.M. EST, the Purchasing Division closed and unsealed three (3) responses. The responses reviewed by the Purchasing Division to ensure the responses met the ITB requirements, and the results are as follows: 1) Hinterland Group, Inc. 2) GlobalTech, Inc. 3) Southern Underground Industries.
City Commission Approves Piggyback Agreement to Perform Wastewater Collection System Rehabilitation
The City Commission approved a piggyback agreement with the City of Ocala’s contract with Miller Pipeline, LLC, in the amount not to exceed $451,233.75 and a contingency in the amount of $45,000 to perform wastewater collection system rehabilitation, sewer gravity main and lateral lining, cleaning, and TV inspection services through January 2025. The Fiscal Year 2024 Capital Budget has $1,200,477.03 in funding allocated for sanitary sewer rehabilitation. This program consists of the rehabilitation of aging and deteriorating gravity sewer lines. The City will perform an investigation to identify deteriorated sewers and employ the contractor to line gravity main and lateral sewer lines. The wastewater collection system in portions of the city are experiencing aging and deterioration, with ongoing issues related to groundwater infiltration into the sewers. Approximately 25% of the city's gravity sewer lines are comprised of vitrified clay pipes. Over time, these pipes, along with the manholes, have developed cracks, significantly contributing to increased inflow and infiltration. These additional flows exert pressure on the wastewater conveyance system and treatment plant, resulting in escalated costs. The sewer lining rehabilitation program actively addresses these challenges, working to mitigate groundwater infiltration/inflow and alleviate sewer backup problems in the sanitary sewer collection system.
City Commission Approves Piggyback Agreement to Provide Fire Hydrant Maintenance and Repair Services
The City Commission approved a piggyback agreement with the Seminole County Public Schools contract with R&M Service Solution, LLC, in the amount not to exceed $30,000 to provide fire hydrant maintenance and repair services for Fiscal Year 2024. The agreement will run concurrently with the Seminole County Public Schools contract, subject to its extension with terms and conditions acceptable to the City, including funding. The Seminole County Public Schools and contractor can renew this agreement with one two-year renewal term through a written agreement. The City is equipped with 1,410 fire hydrants, integral to our community's safety infrastructure. Despite our Utilities Department’s efforts, a substantial number of these hydrants require a fresh coat of paint. Taking into account the proposed fire hydrant painting cost of $50 and the available operating fund, 594 hydrants will undergo painting, with the remainder scheduled for next year. The prolonged exposure to the elements has undeniably affected their appearance, making the current initiative an opportune moment to elevate the overall aesthetic appeal of our community. The fiscal impact stands at $30,000, available in the FY 2024 Water & Sewer Fund and budgeted for this specific purpose.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 24-03 on First Reading
The City Commission approved an ordinance, on first reading, that will amend the City’s Code of Ordinances by amending Chapter 25, entitled “Development Standards,” amending Article II entitled, “Signs,” by specifically amending Section 25-24, entitled “Temporary Signs,” eliminating the bond requirements for temporary signs. This action was taken following a Commission directive, during the November 13, 2023 Regular Meeting, where consensus was reached for the City Attorney to draft an ordinance revising the City’s sign code to address political signs. This ordinance will be included on the agenda for a second reading during the City Commission Regular Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 12, 2024.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 24-04 on First Reading
The City Commission approved an ordinance, on first reading, that will repeal Ordinance No. 22-22 in its entirety; deleting Section 2-131 of the City’s Code of Ordinances, providing for the elimination of the Mental Health and Wellness Advisory Board. During the January 22, 2024 Mental Health and Wellness Advisory Board meeting, the MHWAB agreed to pass a motion asking the Commission to dissolve the board, with the possibility of reconvening at a later date as an Ad Hoc Committee. This ordinance will be included on the agenda for a second reading during the City Commission Regular Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 12, 2024.
City Commission Votes to Cancel February 27, 2024 Regular Meeting
The City Commission voted to cancel its Regular Meeting scheduled for February 27 due to the planned Celebration of Life for Principal Robert Becker, which will take place on the same evening. Multiple members of the City Commission stated they will be attending the Celebration of Life.
Item of Note:
City staff presented an action plan related to working with the Cooper City Optimist Club, following a Commission directive to craft a comprehensive strategy that addresses the requirements stipulated in the City’s Resolution No. 12-7-5 and its amendments. Specifically, the plan has been drafted to address the Optimist’s noncompliance with a requirement of maintaining a minimum of 70% Cooper City residents in its programs. As a proactive and well-structured approach, the action plan is designed to confront the challenges at hand. It serves as a roadmap for achieving compliance, fostering improved communication, and ensuring effective management of sports programs within the city. The overarching intention is to strike a balance between the interests of the community, the Cooper City Optimist organization, and the city administration, with a dedicated focus on addressing all requirements outlined in the resolution.
More Information
For more information related to items on the February 13, 2024 agenda, please visit:
The next City Commission Regular Meeting will be held on March 12, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Cooper City Hall located at 9090 SW 50 Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.