City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for September 13, 2022

City Commission Amends and Approves Resolution 22-33
The City Commission amended and approved a resolution, granting the request for a variance that sought deviation from the recently updated, City Code Section 23-90(c) – Fences Walls and Hedges. This resolution permits Primrose School of Cooper City, located at 8447 Sheridan Street, the use of a fabric screening attached to the perimeter playground fence. The reason for this fabric screening is to create privacy and a visual barrier between the parking lot, adjacent roadways and the children within the playground and outdoor areas. An amendment states that this resolution is specific to the owner of the aforementioned school and that the fabric screening must remain where it is currently in use.

City Commission Approves Purchase of Playground Amenities for Bill Lips Sports Complex
The City Commission approved the purchase of new and replacement playground amenities for the Bill Lips Sports Complex from Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. d/b/a GameTime in the amount of $49,978. It is recommended that playground amenities at City parks be replaced every 10 years. The playground at Bill Lips Sports Complex was scheduled to be replaced in 2021. The Public Works department applied for a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) grant for $50,000 for the purchase of new and replacement playground amenities and landscaping at the Bill Lips Sports Complex park and playground. The FRDAP Grant was approved this year (FRDAP Grant Project #A22027) and is a 100% no match award through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The City Commission approved $50,000 in the Fiscal Year 2022 capital budget for the replacement of the playground amenity at the Bill Lips Sports Complex. Grant funds will be reimbursed in the amount of $49,978 after the project is completed.

City Commission Approves Acceptance of Grant Funding for Playground Systems
The City Commission approved acceptance of Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) grant funds for playground systems at Flamingo Park and the Community Center Tot Lot. FRDAP is a competitive program, which provides grants to local governmental entities for public outdoor recreation. Last year, the Public Works Department applied for two FRDAP grants for respective playground renovations at Flamingo Park and Community Center Tot Lot. The 2022 Florida Legislature selected these two projects and approved them for funding. The City has received grant agreements for the two projects: Flamingo Park (FRDAP Project #A23046) at $150,000 and Community Center Tot Lot (FRDAP Project #A23083) at $50,000. The FRDAP grant match ratios are based on the project costs. Project costs up to $50,000 are fully paid for by the grant. Project costs from $50,001 to $150,000 have a cost share of 75% grant and 25% City. The City will receive the full cost of $50,000 for the Community Center Tot Lot and will receive $112,500 for Flamingo Park for a total of $162,500 in grant awards. The City will contribute $37,500 for the balance of the Flaming Park project cost. The grant agreement expiration date will be June 30, 2025. Public Works has requested $200,000 in the Capital Projects Budget requests for Fiscal Year 2023. Grant funds will be reimbursed in the amount of $162,500 after the projects are completed.

City Commission Approves Purchase of Fire Apparatus
The City Commission approved the purchase of a new ladder truck and fire rescue truck. More specifically, the Commission authorized the purchase of a Pierce 75 HAL Enforcer Aerial Quint-886, which is a 75-foot ladder truck, in the amount of $1,277,555 including a pre-payment discount.  As for the fire rescue truck, the Commission approved the purchase of a 2023 Custom Road Rescue Type 1, Rescue Transport Vehicle on a 2023 Freightliner M2 Chassis, from REV Technical Center in the amount of $444,749.65. As previously approved by the City Commission on November 30, 2021, these purchases will be funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 and compliment the purchase of a new fire engine which was approved by the City Commission on August 2, 2022. The City’s fire-rescue services are provided by contract with BSO. While BSO provides the staffing and fleet maintenance, the City is responsible for the purchase of the apparatus.

City Commission Approves Resolution 22-34
The City Commission approved a resolution urging Broward County Animal Care and Adoption Division to reconsider the intake policy requiring municipalities and law enforcement to hold stray animals for a period of 72 hours prior to acceptance by the County. 

City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-20 on Second Reading
The City Commission approved an ordinance, on second reading, which amends Chapter 23, Article IV of the City’s Code of Ordinances, entitled “District Regulations.”  This ordinance specifically amends Section 23-76, entitled “SRL, Special Residential Lifestyle Overlay District” to provide for supplemental bulk trash regulations. During the May 10, 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting, the Royal Palm Ranches Preservation Board recommended that the code be amended to allow for the indefinite placement of bulk waste items. With this ordinance, the City Commission has determined that residents living within the Special Residential Lifestyle Overlay District seven days before bulk pick-up for vegetative debris only, would be suitable. This ordinance does not apply to properties that fall within the Special Residential Overlay District and abut Palm Avenues/SW 100 Avenue.  All property owners along Palm Avenue/SW 100 Avenue can set out acceptable bulk waste items up to 24 hours prior to their scheduled bulk waste pickup.

More Information
For more information related to items on the September 13, 2022 agenda, please visit

The next City Commission Regular Meeting is scheduled for September 27, 2022 at 6:30 PM at Cooper City City Hall at 9090 SW 50 Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.