City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for September 27, 2022
City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-21 on Second Reading
The City Commission approved an ordinance, on second reading, which sets the operating millage rate for Fiscal Year 2023 at 5.875, which is the lowest total millage rate in Cooper City since 2012.
City Commission Amends and Approves Ordinance 22-22 on Second Reading
The City Commission approved an amended ordinance, on second reading, which adopts and approves the annual budget for Fiscal Year 2023 and appropriates the funds required for the operation of the City. The proposed budget was amended, and approved, by the City Commission to allow City staff 60 days to provide budget amendments with regard to funds being rolled over from the previous fiscal year.
City Commission Approves Amended and Restated Agreement with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 Administrator
The City Commission approved an amended and restated agreement with John Perez, to administer the programs and initiatives proposed for ARPA funding. The City of Cooper City has received a total of $17,930,000 of ARPA-related funds. Staff reviewed the project guidelines and developed a preliminary list of projects that were considered and approved the Commission. The hourly rate is $60 per hour, with the City incurring no benefits, and the total compensation for this agreement shall not exceed $35,000. These are eligible ARPA administrative costs that qualify for funding from the City’s ARPA allocation.
City Commission Approves Resolution 22-37
The City Commission approved a resolution authorizing the submission of a the Cycle 7 Complete Streets and Other Localized Initiatives Program (CSLIP) application to the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the SW 90th Avenue Safety and Mobility Improvement Project. The MPO is currently taking applications for Cycle 7 of the CSLIP program. The application deadline is October 6, 2022. If the City’s project is approved, funding will become available in FY 2028 (unless federal funds are available to accelerate projects in prior years). The City met with MPO staff to review several potential projects for the City. Based on the MPO’s priority scoring criteria, the most promising project location and limits are on SW 90th Avenue from Stirling Road to Griffin Road. The effort proposed for the improvement project include multimodal, safety, and traffic calming upgrades which will improve the quality of life for Cooper City residents. This includes shared use path on the east side of SW 90th Avenue with sharrows where typical section does not allow, raised speed table/crosswalks at select locations, neighborhood traffic circles at possible locations spaced along the corridor to reduce speeds as well as stormwater upgrades. There is also contemplation to remove the 90-degree off street parking near the golf course and replace it with parallel parking, a shared used path for safe pedestrian/bicycle mobility, and enhanced landscaping consistent with the City Landscape Master Plan on the east side of SW 90th Avenue. The Project will be evaluated and ranked by the MPO to determine program eligibility in accordance with the CSLIP policies. The construction cost of the project is projected to not exceed $3 million in construction. Any City cost share will be determined by City Commission’s approval of program elements that are not eligible for reimbursement from CSLIP. The Project will be evaluated and ranked by the MPO to determine program eligibility in accordance with the CSLIP policies. The construction cost of the project is projected to not exceed $3 million in construction. Any City cost share will be determined by City Commission’s approval of program elements that are not eligible for reimbursement from CSLIP.
City Commission Approves Resolution 22-38
The City Commission approved a resolution authorizing an increase of 8.6% to the monthly water and wastewater utility rates and fees for Fiscal Year 2023. This percentage increase reflects the increase in U.S. Department of Labor Consumer Price Index, published by Bureau of Labor Statistics, for All Urban Consumers—CPI (U) U.S. City Average between May 2021 and May 2022. The fiscal impact of this rate adjustment is estimated to be an increase in rate revenue of approximately $1,070,356 for Fiscal Year 2023. The impact to the average utility customer, consuming 7,000 gallons of water per month, is $2.10.
More Information:
For more information related to items on the September 27, 2022 agenda, please visit
The next City Commission Regular Meeting will be held on October 11, 2022 at 6:30 PM at Cooper City City Hall located at 9090 SW 50 Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.