City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for May 10, 2022
City Commission Approves Resolution 22-8
The City Commission approved a variance petition for the property generally located at 5756 SW 89th Way, which is within the Country Address Encore subdivision. This approval now allows the property owner to increase the primary driveway width from twenty-four (24) feet, as set forth in Section 25-100(d)(1) of the City’s Code of Ordinances, to thirty (30) feet at one point and to thirty-six (36) feet at its greatest point. The property owner made this request to add an additional parking space via this option instead of a secondary circular driveway or separate secondary driveway, which are permitted by code, in order to preserve a mature tree and preserve open space. Further justification is provided in that the City’s comprehensive plan encourages the retention of trees, landscaping, and drainage; hence why property owner requested this specific driveway design. The property owner also petitioned that the proposed driveway design will lessen the likelihood of parking on the swale or across the sidewalk, which will improve public safety by protecting pedestrian traffic. During the Planning and Zoning Board Meeting on April 4, 2022, the board unanimously approved of the request.
City Commission Approves Resolution 22-9
The City Commission approved a plat note amendment for the approximately 2.127 acres of real property located at 3611 NW 100th Avenue on the southwest corner of the intersection of NW 37th Street and NW 100th Avenue. This approval removes the restriction on the plat note which only allowed the property to be used for church use. This amended plat note now allows the petitioner to construct a single-family residence. No variances will be requested and all aspects of the Florida Building Code will be adhered to. During the Planning and Zoning Board Meeting on April 4, 2022, the board unanimously approved of the request.
City Commission Approves Resolution 22-10
The City Commission approved a plat note amendment for the approximately 16.59 acres of real property generally located at 2700 N. Palm Avenue. This approval now amends the plat note and brings it into compliance with the proposed future expansion of a school to include the addition of a new gymnasium and classrooms for an additional two-hundred (200) students. The petition was also paired with a Rezoning, Conditional Use, Final Site Plan as well as a Variance request for parking. During the Planning and Zoning Board Meeting on April 4, 2022, the board unanimously approved of the request.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-9 on First Reading
The City Commission approved a potential amendment to Section 21-8, entitled “Definitions;” which would amend the definitions of “Accessory Use” and “Personal Improvement Services” to provide for and to include micro-blade and permanent makeup services. These services are becoming more popular and similar to other municipalities, the City has now moved toward adding language to its Code of Ordinances to differentiate the aforementioned use from a “tattoo parlor” type use. This will provide for easier regulation and enforcement of accessory uses within a primary use, such as micro-blading within a salon. During the Planning and Zoning Board Meeting on April 4, 2022, the board unanimously approved of this proposed code change. Ordinance 22-9 will now be brought forward for a second reading during the City Commission Regular Meeting scheduled for May 24, 2022.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-10 on First Reading
The City Commission approved a potential amendment to Chapter 21, entitled “Unified Land Development Code,” of the City’s Code of Ordinances, by potentially and specifically amending Section 21-8, entitled “Definitions;” amending the definition of “Self-Service Storage” to add for the allowance for surface parking of vehicles, trailers, boats, and recreational vehicles. The purpose of this potential amendment is to give a developer the option to develop surface parking storage, but still give the City Commission the ability to deny a conditional use request, if it feels the proposal is not compatible and up to City standards. Self-service storage is only an option within a B-3 Zoning District and still requires a conditional use approval by the City Commission, it is not a by-right use. During the Planning and Zoning Board Meeting on April 4, 2022, the board unanimously approved of this proposed code change. Ordinance 22-9 will now be brought forward for a second reading during the City Commission Regular Meeting scheduled for May 24, 2022.
City Commission Appoints New Board Member to the Senior Advisory Board
The City Commission has approved Commissioner Ryan Shrouder’s appointment of Martha Duda to fill an existing vacancy on the Senior Advisory Board.
City Commission Approves Hiring of Assistant Finance Director
The City Commission has approved hiring of Monica McNaughton for Assistant Finance Director. Ms. McNaughton was serving as the Director of Student Accounts at the Milwaukee Area College. She has held several finance director level positions utilizing Fund Accounting practices and principals, which are central to the operation of the City. Ms. McNaughton also has extensive experience supervising staff and working with the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, and other major federal grant programs that the City has received.
City Commission Approves to Accept Dedication of a Utilities Easement, Ownership of Water System, and to Approve Release of Bond
The City Commission has approved to accept dedication of a utilities easement, ownership of the water system constructed to serve the Hollywood Eye Institute development, located at 9999 Sheridan Street, Suite 100, and to release the associated maintenance bond LICX1165237 for these improvements. The development of the Hollywood Eye Institute by DSMG Properties, LLC, included the construction of approximately 48 feet of six-inch water main and fire hydrant, connecting to the City’s water main in Sheridan Street and extending into the property. The water system was built in accordance with the City-approved plans and specifications for the development, and was determined to be acceptable by the City Engineer.
City Commission Approves Renewal of Contract to Locate and Mark Underground Utilities
The City Commission has approved a 120-day renewal of a contract with High Tech Engineering, Inc. for underground utility locating and marking services, which will run through September 18, 2022. One of the duties required of an owner of underground utilities, under Florida law, is to identify, locate, and mark the location of these utilities upon request from an excavating contractor or the public. The Utilities Department utilizes a specialized contractor to perform this work. An Invitation to Bid (ITB 2019-6-UTL) was issued on February 21, 2019, and the City Commission awarded a contract to High Tech Engineering, Inc., on May 20, 2019. The term of the contract was for an initial three-year period, expiring on May 19, 2022. The contract provides a provision to renew the terms of the original agreement and for a 120-day period, during which Staff will prepare an Invitation to Bid for a new contract or make a decision to complete this duty with City staff. It is expected that expenditures under this renewal will not exceed $23,300.
City Commission Discusses the Establishment of a Timeline for the Evaluation and Possible Relocation of the Forest Lake Dog Park
The City Commission discussed the potential for setting a timeline on the relocation of the Forest Lake Dog Park. City staff has identified up to five potential locations. Some of the more preferred locations are not owned by the City. The City Commission agreed to provide City staff with up to 30 days to provide a report on the progress of finding a potential site for the dog park’s relocation.
City Commission Approves Resolution 22-11
The City Commission approved and authorized the execution of the 2022 amendments to the interlocal agreement with Broward County for the division and distribution of the proceeds from the county’s Additional Three-Cent Local Option Gas Tax on Motor Fuel and Additional Fifth-Cent Local Option Gas Tax on Motor Fuel for Transit. These two amendments were required to adjust each Broward County municipality’s percentage share based on updated population figures until they expire in 2023 and 2030 respectively. The two interlocal agreements provide for the distribution of gas taxes among the Cities based on population figures published annually by the University of Florida Bureau of Economics and Business Research. The interlocal agreements also provide for the population numbers to be revised annually using the most current published figures.
City Commission Approves Resolution 22-12
The City Commission adopted a resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine; supporting the independent, sovereign nation of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, including the local Ukrainian–American population; urging a prompt end to the conflict, a full withdrawal of Russian forces and financial reparations by Russia to rebuild Ukraine.
City Commission Approves Resolution 22-13
The City Commission adopted a resolution applauding Cooper City and Broward businesses that have withdrawn business interests and activities from the Russian government in response to its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine; and further encouraging Cooper City and Broward County residents and visitors to boycott other business that continues to do business with the Russian state.
City Commission Approves Resolution 22-14
The City Commission approved a Water and Sewer Agreement for water service with Maria and Domingo Garcia at the property located at 9701 NW 37 Street, within the Royal Palm Ranches community.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-6 on Second Reading
The City Commission approved an ordinance which amends Chamber 25, Article I of the City’s Code of Ordinances by specifically amending Section 25-5, entitled “Design of Off-Street Parking.” This amendment prohibits parking vehicles on unpaved surfaces visible from the public right-of-way in residential areas. Through this ordinance, the City Commission’s intent is to prohibit parking on front lawns.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-7 on Second Reading
The City Commission approved the repeal of Chapter 11, Section 11-2 of the City’s Code of Ordinances, entitled “Fishing from Bridges” on first reading. This amendment to the ordinance now eliminates the prohibition of fishing on City bridges.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-8 on Second Reading
The City Commission approved the submission to a Charter referendum on whether to eliminate Cooper City’s election districts. During the April 12, 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting, the City Commission approved having an ordinance drafted in regard to the elimination of election districts. This ordinance, with ballot language, will now be forwarded to the Supervisor of Elections of Broward County Office for inclusion on the November 2022 general election ballot.
City Commission Approved Motion to Inform Cooper City Residents of Alternative to 911
The City Commission directed City staff to advertise the BSO Cooper City District’s ability to field calls 24/7, 365 days a year. In the event that a Cooper City resident’s 911 call is not answered, residents can reach the BSO Cooper City District station by dialing 954-435-2000.
More Information
For more information related to items on the May 10, 2022 agenda, please visit the City’s website at:
The next City Commission Regular Meeting is scheduled for May 24, 2022 at 6:30 PM at Cooper City Hall at 9090 SW 50 Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.