June is LGBTQ Pride Month
Fire Station Gets Some TLC
It's amazing what a little pressure washing and a touch of paint can do to improve an appearance. The City is doing its job in making Cooper City "Someplace Special."
"Special thanks to Public Works for their hard work and dedication to ensure the Fire Rescue Station building is maintained in a proper manner." - Chief Bishop
Hats Off to the Graduates
Congratulations to the Class of 2021! On your graduation, we honor your hard work, perseverance, and dedication and your journey to success.
Saturday, June 12, 8 a.m. to noon:
And, Congratulations to Our Scholarship Winners
The City of Cooper City and Waste Management awarded academic scholarships to graduating seniors who reside in Cooper City and plan to attend college or technical school. This year's recipients are Arielle Kraus, Luke Righifar, Kirk Dourvetakis, Michael Cline, Tyler Flowers and Hunter Lewellen.
Commissioners Pulcini and Meltzer accepted game challenges by local "Pickleballers" on the six-month anniversary of the court dedication at Suellen Fardelmann. Pickleball courts are available at Forest Lake Park and Suellen H. Fardelmann Sports Complex.
Relay for Life Cooper City
The City team held several fundraisers for this year's Relay for Life Davie/Cooper City event and raised over $7,000 benefitting the American Cancer Society. The annual event was held on Saturday, June 5 and included a dunk tank with elected officials. Thank you to the community members who supported the event and the cause.
On Flag Day, Monday, June 14, the city will unveil and dedicate its first Flag Retirement Drop Box at Memorial Park. This drop box will provide residents and business partners a place to properly dispose of their tattered retired American flags.
Father-Son Derby Day
Friday, June 18, 6:30 p.m.
Community Center
It'll be a father-son adventure for Cooper City residents as they join the Pinewood Derby fun! Registration is required. Cooper City residents can register at the Cooper City Community Center.
Wear Blue in Support of Men's Health Week, June 14-20
Show your support of heightening the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.
- Eat Healthy
- Get Moving
- Make Prevention a Priority
Buildings and Building Regulations
Ord. 6-32: Minimum standards for maintenance of commercial developments: striping faded in parking spots including handicap parking spot.
(Pictured above are before and after improvements.)
To file a complaint, contact Code Compliance / BSO District 16 at 954-436-7335 (non-emergency) or 954-764-4357 (dispatch).
Let's continue to make Cooper City "Someplace Special."
The appearance of properties plays a vital role in our community to ensure neighborhoods are well-kept, safe and in good condition. The physical state of private property can impact the overall image of Cooper City. City Code of Ordinances specifies minimum standards to protect the community.
We're doing our Your assistance and cooperation in making our community a better place is greatly appreciated.
Hazardous Waste Disposal on Saturday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Wheelabrator
Shred-a-Thon and Operation Medicine Cabinet
Saturday, July 3, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Join BSO to help prevent prescription drug abuse and identity theft with proper disposals. More information.
City Commission Action Reopens Police (BSO) Lobby
The lobby of the BSO police station is now open 24/7 thanks to the City's Commission action.
It's 9PM, Do You Know Where Your Belongings Are?
Did you know on average 9 out of 10 vehicles burglaries are due to unlocked car doors? To combat this trend, the BSO-Cooper City Team wants to encourage residents to participate in our #9PMInitative.
Sheridan Street Lights
Street lights are out on Sheridan Street from Pine Island Rd. to Palm Ave. due to damage from a car accident. Broward County maintains the street lights on this section of Sheridan Street. It is unknown at this time when the repairs will be completed to restore the lights.
Athletic Field Closures for
Through Monday, August 2
Bill Lips Sports Complex, West Side, Football/Soccer Fields Closed
Through Monday, August 9
Sullen H. Fardelmann Sports Complex, Three Football/Soccer Fields Closed
Alternate field options:
East side of Bill Lips Sports Complex is still open
Sullen H. Fardelmann all of the baseball fields are still open
Appointments Now Available
Planning to Travel Again Soon?
Now booking appointments for new passports every 15 minutes. For your convenience, Cooper City offers passport services by appointment only at City Hall.
Keep in Step with the Cooper City Walking Club
Wednesdays at 6 p.m.
Flamingo West Park, 6201 South Flamingo Road
Active Adults Activities, Classes and Programs
More information, call 954-434-4300, extension 255 or visit our Active Seniors webpage.
Lion Country Safari Field Trip
June 28. Cooper City Active Adults are hitting the road with a roar to Lion Country Safari. RSVP by June 18.
For more information and registration, please call 954-434-4300, ext. 255.
Suds in the Summer Car Wash
Celebrate the first day of summer with a complimentary car wash for seniors over 55. Must schedule and RSVP by Tuesday, June 16. For more information and registration, please call 954-434-4300, ext 255.
Learn more about Medicare through free online presentations on selected Fridays.
Wednesday, January 7, 1970, Sun-Tattler: What's Next? Cooper City Clerk-Commissioner Sidney Soral asks what needs to be done after announcement of a recall election February 10 against Mayor Harold Koch and Commissioner S. M. Clayton Sr and Joseph DuBeau. City Attorney A. J. Ryan ponders the question while Commissioner Edward Hartman looks on.
Hurricane Preparations Begin Now
It's officially hurricane season through November 30. Are you prepared?
Check Your Insurance & Flood Coverage
Now is the time to review your insurance policies, including flood insurance, and other important documents that you may need in case of a hurricane or other disaster. According to the Florida Department of Emergency Management, the average FEMA payout to Floridians over the last four years has been $4K.
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Sign-up to receive important notices. It's free!
It's Hot Outside, Prevent Child Deaths
Remember these three things:
- NEVER leave a child in a vehicle unattended.
- Make it a habit to look in the back seat EVERY time you exit the car.
- ALWAYS lock the car and put the keys out of reach.