A Message from Mayor Greg Ross

Dear friends and neighbors,

Your City Commission gathered on Tuesday evening for a special public meeting, which included a discussion on goals and priorities related to the City’s Strategic Plan.

Each commissioner and I had the opportunity to share thoughts and opinions on the data collected through an online survey, and community visioning forums which were held in July 2021.  The survey and visioning forums provided Cooper City residents and stakeholders the opportunity to share their biggest concerns about the city, express opinions on what they felt Cooper City is missing, and how to address these needs and concerns in the future.

Among the many topics covered throughout the strategic planning process, there was a repeated theme of hoping to build a stronger sense of place which has now become a strategic priority.  This priority has spurred conversation on a central gathering place, where residents can come together for a multitude of activities.  This idea has taken on many names, like city center and civic center, but there is no consensus on the vision.

During Tuesday’s meeting, City Commissioners and I discussed potential locations that included city-owned land.  However, no votes nor decisions were taken for any items or projects.  Furthermore, there was no discussion for demolishing Suellen H. Fardelmann Sports Complex or eliminating the Optimist Club of Cooper City.  The sports complex and the optimist club are unquestioned pillars of what makes Cooper City “Someplace Special.”  With that said, a majority of the City Commission did provide the City with direction to engage an urban planner. 

An urban planner will be able to provide concepts and ideas on what would be the best method for building upon our city’s greatest qualities and bringing a stronger sense of place in Cooper City.  The key will be to improve our city, rather than replacing or destroying the facilities that we treasure.  Most importantly, as was clearly stated last evening, any such decisions and projects of this magnitude that require major funding would need to be put before the voters of our great city. 

If you have questions or concerns, we invite you to participate in public meetings.  Our next City Commission Regular Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 6:30 PM at City Hall.



Greg Ross


POSTED: April 6, 2022