City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for June 14, 2022
City Commission Approves Resolution 22-17
The City Commission approved a resolution which grants site plan approval for the approximately 9.4 acres of real property known as Sienna at Cooper City. This site is located at 8701 Sheridan Street, approximately 1,300 feet east of Pine Island Road in Cooper City. The site plan reflects 30 single-family lots all exceeding 6,500 square feet in size with one and two-story single-family homes ranging from 2,300 to over 4,300 square feet under air. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of this petition, during its meeting held on May 2, 2022.
City Commission Approves Resolution 22-18
The City Commission approved a resolution with grants plat approval pursuant to the plat petition for the approximately 9.4 acres of real property known as Sienna at Cooper City. The Sienna Village Plat reflects access from Sheridan Street, to the south, including a right in the deceleration lane. A 2.51 acre water management area and a 60-foot wide private street are to be dedicated to the future homeowners association. In addition, the Plat reflects utility, landscape, and drainage easements as well as the platted access opening non-vehicular access lines. Along Sheridan Street, Parcel “RW” dedicates 40 feet of right-of-way to the City, which will be used in the future for Broward County’s Multi-Purpose Pathway Project. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of this petition, during its meeting held on May 2, 2022.
City Commission Approves Resolution 22-19
The City Commission approved a resolution that grants the request for a variance petition from Metropolitan Baptist Church of Miami, LLC and Mattamy Homes for the property generally located at 8701 Sheridan Street. The City Commission has approved three variances, which follow: reducing the minimum lot width from 60 feet to 50.2 feet, reducing the side interior setback from 7.5 feet to 3 feet for one side only, and increasing the maximum building coverage from 33% to 42% of a respective lot. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of this petition, during its meeting held on May 2, 2022.
City Commission Approves First Amendment to the Exclusive Agreement with The Optimist Club of Cooper City
The City Commission approved an amendment to the City’s exclusive agreement with Cooper City Optimist Club, Inc. The original agreement, which has provided for the Optimist’s exclusive use of City-owned property for the purpose of construction, maintenance, and use of a building to be used as a meeting, storage facility, and a concession stand, has now been renewed for an additional 30 year term, which will commence on February 23, 2023 and terminate on February 22, 2053.
City Commission Approves Piggyback Agreement for Asphalt/Concrete Patching and Restoration Services
The City Commission has authorized City staff to piggyback a Broward County agreement with Concrete Works and Paving, Inc. for asphalt and concrete patching and restoration services. The City has now renewed and extended the contract until March 30, 2023, with the same terms and conditions, in the total amount of $23,927.27. Installation and repair of the City’s underground utility infrastructure often involves removing or damaging portions of roads and sidewalks, which must be restored. Over the years, City staff has found it more cost-effective to contract for this restoration work than do it in-house. After researching alternatives, City staff recommended that the City Commission award a contract to Concrete Works and Paving Inc., piggybacking a Broward County contract awarded in March 2019. The City Commission agreed and awarded a contract at its July 16, 2019 meeting. Broward County has recently renewed the contract with Concrete Works and Paving Inc., for a period covering March 21, 2022, through March 20, 2023. There is sufficient balance in the City’s FY2022 budge to cover expenses until the end of this fiscal year.
City Commission Approves Amendment to Agreement for Sod and Sod Installation
The City Commission approved to amend an agreement with Mullings Engineering Services, Inc. for sod and sod installation utilizing Southeast Florida Government Purchasing Cooperative Group (Co-op) contract number 033-2730-18/IT. The City of Boynton Beach, as the lead agency for the Southeast Florida Government Purchasing Cooperative Group (Co-op), advertised contract services bid number 033-2730-18/IT for sod and sod installation. The contract was awarded to Mulling Engineering Services, Inc. At the November 17, 2020 City Commission Regular Meeting, the City Commission authorized an agreement with Mullings Engineering to piggyback off of the Southeast Co-op, Bid #033-2730-18/TB with the City of Boynton Beach. The contract has since been renewed by the Southeast Co-op and covers the period up to September 30, 2022. Mullings Engineering has provided acceptable products and services to Cooper City and members of the Co-op for several years. Through City staff’s request, the City Commission has now approved the use of this agreement for the remainder of the term. Mullings Engineering will provide the sod and the installation of sod at Suellen H. Fardelmann Sports Complex and Bill Lips Sports Complex. This work will be scheduled for the end of June 2022.
City Commission Approves Reclassification of a Public Works Position
The City Commission approved the reclassification of one of the three Public Works Department’s Field Operations Supervisor positions to a Public Works Coordinator position to support the proficiency of the Public Works Department. Over the past few years, Public Works has gone through some significant changes. These changes are a result of personnel changes and absorption of additional duties. Legacy employees with considerable institutional knowledge have since retired. Additionally, Public Works has assumed new responsibilities such as Solid Waste Management and Telecommunication Towers Management, which require precise understanding of financial and contractual implications. While the operating component of Public Works is functioning well, the planning, budgeting and organizational components need strengthening. There is a need to enhance the professional administration capacity to facilitate the efficient performance of all divisions within the department. The Public Works Coordinator will be integral in addressing this need. A budgeted Field Operations Supervisor position recently became vacant. The reclassification of the Field Operations Supervisor to a Public Works Coordinator will not require a pay grade change. This position will perform high-level managerial and technical work in the planning and development of business processes and work procedures to enhance collaboration between operations and City administration. Some of the work products to be focused on are procurement timing, contract improvements, budgetary efficacy, work order management, revenue enhancements, grant monitoring, service delivery responsiveness, and outside agency coordination.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-15 on First Reading
The City Commission has approved an ordinance, on first reading, that would amend Chapter 25 of the City’s Code of Ordinances, entitled “Development Standards;” by specifically amending Article II, Section 25-5 entitled “Design of Off-Street Parking;” amending the parking space design standards detailed in Figure 1. This proposed change to the parking design standard would allow for double stripes with either a rounded end or a squared end. The City’s Community Development Department has received complaints that the rounded ends take longer to strip and cost more due to the increased time required. The Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval of this amendment during its meeting on April 4, 2022. This ordinance will now be brought forward for a second reading during the City Commission Regular Meeting scheduled for June 28, 2022.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-11 on Second Reading
The City Commission has approved an amendment to Chapter 5, Article II of the City’s Code of Ordinances, entitled “Dogs;” by specifically amending Section 5-18, entitled “Prohibited in Parks and Recreational Areas.” This ordinance has amended the City Code to permit dogs in certain City parks and recreational areas, unless a sign has been posted by the City prohibiting dogs or other animals from being at that location. On January 25, 2022, the City Commission had a discussion regarding pets in passive parks. A survey was made available to Cooper City residents on the City’s website to obtain input. The survey ran from February 3 – February 17, 2022. The survey gathered 1,280 responses. 69.5% of respondents were in favor of allowing leashed dogs in suitable passive parks. 30.5% of respondents did not favor a change.
City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-12 on Second Reading
The City Commission has approved the establishment of a Mental Health and Wellness Advisory Board as a permanent advisory board to the City Commission. During the April 12, 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting, there was Commission consensus to proceed with drafting an ordinance to establish a Mental Health & Wellness Advisory Board. The Board will consist of five (5) members who are residents of the City and have education, training, background, or experience in mental health and wellness.
Discussion Items of Note
The City Commission discussed a recommendation from the Royal Palm Ranches Preservation Board to allow residents, residing within the Royal Palm Ranches community, the ability to set out vegetation for an unlimited amount of time for bulk waste collection. Following discussion, the City Commission reached a consensus that residents of a special overlay district, which includes Royal Palm Ranches and Lake Maranatha Estates, would be permitted to place vegetation curbside up to one week before the designated bulk pickup date. Items besides yard waste, tree trimmings, and vegetation will be allowed to be placed curbside no more than 24 hours before bulk collection. City staff has now been directed to bring forward an ordinance for City Commission approval.
More Information
For more information related to items on the June 14, 2022 agenda, please visit the City’s website at