City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for May 24, 2022


City Commission Approves Water Utility Billing Printing Services Agreement
The City Commission approved an agreement with Infosend Inc. to provide printing services for Water Utility Billing.  On January 27, 2022 the City advertised its notice to bidders of the City’s desire to hire a new firm to provide utility billing printing services.  The decision to advertise a notice to bidders came after the City’s current printing vendor, Pinnacle, was acquired by Doxim Inc., which resulted in a degradation of the service experienced by the City’s utility customers.  As a result of the procurement process, the City received six bids with prices ranging from $6,247.00 - $9,983.00 per month.  Infosend Inc. emerged as the most responsive and responsible bidder. The term of this agreement shall be for three (3) years, commencing on or about May 30, 2022, and terminating on May 29, 2025. This agreement may be renewed for up to one (1) additional two (2) year terms, subject to the written consent and agreement between the City and the vendor.  The financial impact for FY 2022 is expected to be $0. Additionally, the City’s cost will be partially offset by Waste Management’s obligation to pay for the cost of card stock. The total offset is not known at this time; we are working with the vendor to quantify these savings.

City Commission Approves Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between Broward County and the City of Cooper City for Surtax-Funded Municipal Transportation Projects
The City Commission has approved an interlocal agreement (ILA) between Broward County and the City for surtax-funded projects: Stirling Road Roadway and Drainage Improvement.  In November 2018, Broward County voters approved a 30-year sales “penny” surtax to fund allowable transportation expenditures.  Based on the eligible criteria, the City submitted requests for improvement to the city-owned portions of Stirling Road, between Palm Avenue and Flamingo Road. The improvements include improvements to the storm drain system, potential roadway widening to accommodate bike lanes, median enhancements, potential lighting improvements, upgrading fire station emergency flashers, pedestrian and accessibility upgrades.  The roadway and drainage improvements were initially submitted as separate projects, but Broward County has now agreed to combine the projects at the City’s request.  This project was submitted for funding consideration by the Broward County Surtax Funds and the planning and design aspect of the project was approved and included in the Mobility Advancement Program (MAP, formerly known as the Surtax Program). Construction was not originally included in the MAP five-year plan, but the plan has since been updated and construction is now included.  The City is responsible for administering the project, which includes the procurement process, design and engineering professional services, and the construction. The primary funding source will be MAP, provided by the County. However, the County will not be obligated to pay for any overage of costs, nor will it be responsible for decorative lighting, brick pavers, improvements not within the public right-of-way, utility adjustments, and increases to stormwater systems serving private property.  Now that the ILA has been approved, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), as reviewed and accepted by Broward County, will be competitively advertised. Also, within the first 30 days of the full execution of the ILA, City staff will submit the first of four applications for advance funding in the amount of $120,000.  Approval of this item has no immediate fiscal impact. However, approval of the ILA allows the City to start the process that will qualify the City for MAP funding for this project, which was earlier estimated to be in the $5 million range. The design component is estimated to be approximately $480,000.

City Commission Approves Flamingo Gardens Phase II Road Resurfacing Project
The City Commission has approved an agreement with Weekley Asphalt, Inc. to carry out road resurfacing within Flamingo Gardens Phase II.  During the December 14, 2021 City Commission Regular Meeting, the City Commission authorized the renewal of an agreement with Weekley Asphalt, Inc. utilizing Broward County Contract PNC2118215B1, Pavement Resurfaces and Repairs. Weekley Asphalt has provided a quote based on the bid prices of the Broward contract in the amount of $470,600.90. The work will include milling, asphalt overlay, striping, storm drain apron resurfacing, and reflective pavement marking replacements. The City’s Fiscal Year 2022 approved budget includes funding for resurfacing for Section 3 (north of SW 51st Court) which will nearly complete the entire Flamingo Gardens community. This is year four of a five-year resurfacing plan to improve pavement conditions within the City.  This upcoming work will be scheduled during the summer recess for school so to not interfere with the morning and afternoon peak traffic hours during the school year.  Public notification will be provided during resurfacing work activities. 

City Commission Approves Agreement for Equipment and Labor to Upgrade Audio System in the Commission Chambers
The City Commission has approved an agreement with Innuvo LLC, to provide the equipment and labor for improvement to the audio system in the Commission Chambers.  The City Commission previously identified the need to improve the audio system in the Commission Chambers and appropriated $30,000, from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), to fund these improvements.  City staff identified a qualified bid that had been publicly procured by the School Board of Broward County with Innuvo, LLC.  Innuvo, LLC provided a quote, in the amount of $25,801.75, for the improvements (based on the terms of that bid) and signed a Piggyback Agreement adhering to the terms of the bid award with the School Board.  With this approval, Innuvo, LLC will replace the current system with the Shure system. The proposal includes twelve new tabletop omnidirectional microphones and charging stations, a new digital signal processor, ceiling transceivers, digital signal processor switch, cabling, and labor. The wired microphones, amplifier, speakers, rack and video distribution devices will not be changed.

City Commission Approves Resolution 22-7
The City Commission approved the execution of a water agreement with Andy Shi, 5101 S. Flamingo Road, Southwest Ranches, FL.  The City of Cooper City is the owner and operator of a water treatment plant, together with water distribution facilities known as COOPER CITY WATER SYSTEM. Section 19-142 of the City’s Code of Ordinance authorizes the City to provide water service outside of the City’s municipal boundaries, subject to Ch. 180, F.S., and terms and conditions set forth in the City Code.

City Commission Approves Resolution 22-15
The City Commission approved the adoption of a resolution which now establishes access system requirements for vehicle access to gated communities and commercial properties located within the boundaries of Cooper City.  On March 8, 2022, the City Commission adopted an ordinance amending the City Code to ensure that the City’s emergency responders, essential personnel, and other City Officials have access to all communities in the City, including gated communities to provide important municipal services and response to emergency matters.  City staff has reviewed the systems currently used by various gated communities within the City and recommends the utilization and implementation of the digital keyless entry system with built-in wireless system.  The City has further determined that the adoption of said system shall have a minimal cost impact as the vast majority of the gated private communities and commercial properties in Cooper City currently utilize the digital keyless entry system with built-in wireless system.  Pursuant to the applicable City Ordinance, the City Commission has adopted the following access system requirements: Linear AKR-1 Digital Keyless Entry System with Built-in Wireless Receiver compatible with Linear MegaCode® transmitters, each digital keyless entry system wireless receiver shall be programmed with the City of Cooper City’s unique MegaCode® Block Codes, and each digital keyless entry system shall be programmed with a manual entry code designated by the City’s police chief.

City Commission Approves Resolution 22-16
The City Commission approved and accepted ownership of the water and sewer systems and dedication of water and sewer utility easements associated with the Monterra Active Adult Residences Development Project, located at 3991 NW 82nd Avenue, Cooper City, FL 33024.  The City Commission also approved the release of two (2) Performance Improvement Bonds in the form of two (2) irrevocable Letters of Credit, one in the amount of $1,225,601.30 for paving and drainage improvements with Central Broward Water Control District as co-obligee, and the other in the amount of $181,755.20 for water and wastewater improvements, and accepted cash Maintenance Bonds in the form of cashier’s checks in the amounts of $306,400.33 and $45,438.80 respectively, representing 25% of the two (2) Letters of Credit.  The City Commission gave final approval to the aforementioned project on November 19, 2019 meeting. The improvements included 1,652 feet of water mains, 417 feet of gravity sewer mains, and related appurtenances, which were required to be dedicated to the City upon satisfactory completion of the construction along with necessary utility easements. Pursuant to Sec. 24-82 of the City’s Code of Ordinances, the developer provided a Performance Improvement Bond in the form of two (2) Letters of Credit from PNC Bank. Sec. 24-82 of the City Code also requires that after the construction is completed and accepted by the City Engineer, the Performance Improvement Bond can be reduced to a Maintenance Bond to 25% of the original Performance Bond amount to guaranty maintenance of the improvements for one year.  Water, wastewater, paving and drainage improvements have been constructed in accordance with the City-approved plans and are acceptable to the City Engineer’s office.

City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-11 on First Reading
The City Commission has approved the first reading of an ordinance which would amend the City Code to permit dogs in certain City parks and recreational areas, unless a sign has been posted by the City prohibiting dogs or other animals from being at that location.  On January 25, 2022, the City Commission had a discussion regarding pets in passive parks. A survey was made available to Cooper City residents on the City’s website to obtain input.  The survey ran from February 3 – February 17, 2022. The survey gathered 1,280 responses. 69.5% of respondents were in favor of allowing leashed dogs in suitable passive parks. 30.5% of respondents did not favor a change.  This ordinance will now be brought forward for a second reading during the City Commission Regular Meeting scheduled for June 14, 2022.

City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-12 on First Reading
The City Commission has approved the first reading of an ordinance which would establish a Mental Health and Wellness Advisory Board as a permanent advisory board to the City Commission.  During the April 12, 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting, there was Commission consensus to proceed with drafting an ordinance to establish a Mental Health & Wellness Advisory Board. The Board will consist of five (5) members who are residents of the City and have education, training, background, or experience in mental health and wellness.  This ordinance will now be brought forward for a second reading during the City Commission Regular Meeting scheduled for June 14, 2022.

City Commission Rejects Ordinance 22-14 on First Reading
The City Commission has rejected the first reading of an ordinance which would have confirmed a property owner’s duty and responsibility to maintain and repair sidewalks on, abutting, or adjacent to their property.  The City Commission has now directed City staff to draft an ordinance that will clarify the City’s responsibility in regard to the repair of sidewalks on, abutting, or adjacent to an owner's property.

City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-09 on Second Reading
The City Commission approved an amendment to Section 21-8, entitled “Definitions;” which now amends the definitions of “Accessory Use” and “Personal Improvement Services” to provide for and to include micro-blade and permanent makeup services.  These services are becoming more popular and similar to other municipalities, the City has now added language to its Code of Ordinances to differentiate the aforementioned use from a “tattoo parlor” type use.  This will provide for easier regulation and enforcement of accessory uses within a primary use, such as micro-blading within a salon.  During the Planning and Zoning Board Meeting on April 4, 2022, the board unanimously approved of this proposed code change.

City Commission Approves Ordinance 22-10 on Second Reading
The City Commission approved an amendment to Chapter 21, entitled “Unified Land Development Code,” of the City’s Code of Ordinances, by specifically amending Section 21-8, entitled “Definitions;” amending the definition of “Self-Service Storage” to add for the allowance for surface parking of vehicles, trailers, boats, and recreational vehicles.  The purpose of this amendment is to give a developer the option to develop surface parking storage, but still give the City Commission the ability to deny a conditional use request, if it feels the proposal is not compatible and up to City standards.  Self-service storage is only an option within a B-3 Zoning District and still requires a conditional use approval by the City Commission, it is not a by-right use.  During the Planning and Zoning Board Meeting on April 4, 2022, the board unanimously approved of this proposed code change.

Discussion Items of Note
City Manager Joseph Napoli provided a progress report on the renewal of a facility use agreement between the City and the Cooper City Optimist Club.  The city manager has informed the City Commission that he intends to bring a renewal agreement, for consideration and approval, during the next City Commission Regular Meeting scheduled for June 14, 2022.

The city manager also provided an update on discussions with Davie Fire Rescue, which have focused on the feasibility of Cooper City possibly utilizing Davie’s fire emergency services.  These preliminary discussions are the result of the City Commission’s direction for City staff to engage with fire rescue emergency service providers, including the Broward Sheriff’s Office, to find the best option that will bring enhanced response times and services to Cooper City residents.  No vote or action was taken on this matter. 

More Information
For more information related to items on the May 24, 2022 agenda, please visit the City’s website at:

The next City Commission Regular Meeting is scheduled for June 14, 2022 at 6:30 PM at Cooper City City Hall at 9090 SW 50 Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.