City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for May 9, 2023
City Commission Approved Ordinance 23-13 on First Reading
The City Commission passed and approved the first reading of Ordinance 23-13, providing updates to the City’s floodplain regulations, compliant with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The City participates in FEMA’s Community Rating System (CRS), a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum program requirements to help reduce flood risks in Cooper City. The City maintains a CRS rating Class 6 rating, making residents who purchase the NFIP flood insurance eligible for premium discounts of 20%.
City Commission Approved Ordinance 23-8 on Second Reading
The City Commission passed and approved the second reading of Ordinance 23-8 to referendum proposed amendments to the Charter of the City of Cooper City. This provides consistency with Florida Law related to the Publication of Legal Notices under the Special Conditions on a Publicly Accessible Website owned or designated by Broward County. At the General Municipal Election on Nov. 5, 2024, the following question will be placed on the ballot:
Shall the Cooper City Charter be amended to authorize the City to publish certain required legal notices on a publicly accessible website, owned or designated by Broward County, as an alternative to publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, as permitted by Florida law?
This proposed Charter amendment is estimated to have a net positive impact on the City budget by eliminating the need for certain newspaper publication.
City Commission Approved Ordinance 23-12 on Second Reading
The City Commission passed and approved the second reading of Ordinance 23-12, amending Chapter 23, Article IV, entitled “District Regulations,” specifically amending Section 24-14. This ordinance establishes height restrictions for the City’s X-1, Civic District.
- A 35 feet max building height if the structure is within 250 feet of any plot zoned for detached one-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, or townhouses.
- A 55 feet max building height if the structure is more than 251 feet from any plot zoned for detached one-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, or townhouses.
- Towers, cupolas, steeples and domes not exceeding in gross area, at maximum horizontal section, 15 percent of the roof area, used for ornamental purposes, may exceed the permissible height limit by no more than 55 percent.
City Commission Approved Agreement with R&M Service Solutions
The City Commission passed and approved on consent the first and final amendment to the agreement with R&M Service Solutions, LLC in the amount not to exceed $90,000 to perform water system valve maintenance and assessment services for an additional two-year term.
Discussion Items of Note
The City Commission passed a motion approving Government & ERP Implementation Services, LLC Professional Services Agreement with Barbara Hastings to serve as the Interim CFO.
The City Commission also received an update from BSO Fire Rescue that four fire hydrants, which were initially reported as out of service, are now fully functional.
More Information
For more information related to the items on the May 9, 2023 agenda, please visit the City’s website
You can also watch the full meeting by going to
The next City Commission Regular Meeting will be held on May 23, 2023 at 6:30pm at Cooper City Hall located at 9090 SW 50th Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.