City Commission Regular Meeting Brief for March 14, 2023

City Commission Approves Submittal of City’s Application for the Hiatus Road Roundabout to Broward’s MPO

The City Commission passed and approved support to the City’s application for the Hiatus Road Roundabout at NE Lake Boulevard Project for submittal to the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization. This is for evaluation and ranking for transportation surtax funding for the 2023 fiscal year. Placing a roundabout at this location would slow vehicle speeds, improve multimodal safety, create efficient traffic flow, reduce pollution and fuel use, and save maintenance costs. The Broward County Transportation Surtax Ordinance allows for expenditures on authorized transportation and transit projects.


City Commission Approves Resolution 23-5

The City Commission passed and approved by consent Resolution 23-5, approving an amendment to the Interlocal Agreement for the 2023 Local Option Gas Tax. The City receives Local Option Gas Tax Distribution through the Interlocal Agreement between the City and Broward County. The two amendments are required to adjust each City’s percentage share based on updated population figures until they expire in 2030.


City Commission Approves to Continue Working with Weekley Asphalt Paving, Inc. for Final Road Resurfacing Work

The City Commission passed and approved by consent the execution of an agreement with Weekley Asphalt Paving, Inc. for road resurfacing. Weekley Asphalt Paving, Inc. previously worked on Phase I and Phase II of the resurfacing of the Flamingo Gardens community. Phase III is the final work required to completely resurface the entire Flamingo Gardens community public roadway system.


City Commission Approves to Accept Bids for New Communications Vendor

The City Commission approved to end the City’s Communications Agreement with Quest Corporation of America in 90 days, while directing staff to procure future support through a Request for Proposals.


City Commission Reviews Magistrate Process

The City Commission passed and approved to draft an ordinance to change the magistrate process to have two separate magistrate hearings for building and code cases.  Additionally, the Commission delegated the authority to make recommendations to the Magistrate on compliance terms to the City Manager and Police Chief.


City Commission Discusses C.E.R.T’s Rules and Regulations

The City Commission advised the Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T) to review current policies, and look into more closely aligning those policies with BSO and City policies.


City Commission Approves Contract Negotiations on Stirling Road Improvements

The City Commission passed and approved a motion authorizing the City Manager to enter into contract negotiations for design improvements to Stirling Road with the number one ranked firm RJ Behar & Company.


City Commission Approves Citywide Traffic Calming Study with Corradino Group, Inc.

The City Commission passed and approved a motion of a work authorization to the Corradino Group, Inc., to conduct a citywide traffic calming study. Cooper City has experienced growth in traffic flow throughout the City. The traffic study would determine the need for traffic calming measures.


City Commission Selected Candidates for New City Manager

The City Commission selected five candidates to interview to be the next City Manager. The candidates will be at City Hall on Thursday, March 30th and Friday, March 31st. Residents are welcome to take part of a public reception to meet the candidates on March 30th at 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. at Commission Chambers. City Manager candidates will be interviewed by City Commission on March 31st.


City Commission Discusses on Procurement Process

The City Commission heard recommendations from a consultant on the procurement process. The consultant recommends adoption of a purchasing policy, updating the procedure manual and professional development. The City Commission directed staff to develop an action plan to implement the recommendations within the next 30 days.   


City Commission Approves First Reading of Ordinance 23-6

The City Commission passed and approved on first reading Ordinance 23-6, amending Chapter 28 Section 21-8 of the City’s Code of Ordinances, entitled “unified land development code.” This would provide for a definition of pergolas and amend Chapter 23 Section 23-82 for the inclusion of pergolas as an accessory building. This change would reduce the previous six-foot requirement to a defined three feet from a property line when behind a six-foot privacy fence.


City Commission Approves First Reading of Ordinance 23-7

The City Commission passed and approved on first reading Ordinance 23-7, amending Chapter 2 to establish a Quasi-Judicial process for the Board’s Consideration of Land Development Matters and providing for legal representation. On February 28, 2023, the City Commission discussed petitions for consideration on having representation from the City Attorney’s Office present at P&Z meetings. The second reading will take place on April 11th.


City Commission Approves Second Reading of Ordinance 23-5

The City Commission passed and approved the second reading of Ordinance 23-5, providing that individuals appointed to serve on the City’s Advisory Boards shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission member who appointed the individual to serve.


More Information

For more information related to the items on the March 14, 2023 agenda, please visit the City’s website You can also watch the full meeting by going to

The next City Commission Regular Meeting will be held on March 28, 2023 at 5:30pm at Cooper City Hall located at 9090 SW 50th Place, Cooper City, FL 33328.