Helpful Tips

1. Do you know where your water meter is located and how to turn your water off in an emergency? If not, give us a call and we will be happy to show you where it is.

2. If you are landscaping, please make sure that your meter box is accessible at all times. Do not plant anything which blocks the meter.

3. Please do not plant any trees, shrubs, etc. or place fences in front of or closer than three (3) feet around a fire hydrant. This is to insure that our Fire Department has enough room to work in case of a fire. It could save your home or the lives of your family.

4. When digging in your yard, please give thought to the location of your water/sewer service lines before starting. If you need help, please call our office. Also, do not forget to call Sunshine State One-Call of Florida (811) when digging anywhere on your property. They will come out and mark the location of public utilities that may be easements on your property. Please do not forget to call them - it is the law.

5. Be sure to check the screens on your faucets periodically, as dirty screens will frequently cause a drop in pressure. These are easily removed and should be kept clean.

6. If you have a problem with a sewage backup, call us immediately. If the problem is on the City-side, we will resolve it. If it is on your side, we will confirm that for you. Please note that if you call a plumber first only to find out that the problem is on the City-side, we cannot reimburse you for the cost of the plumber visit (we recommend you call us first). If you can, remove the clean-out cap next to the house to ensure that it does not backup into your home.

7. Be aware that small leaks in your faucets or toilets could add a substantial amount to your water bill.

8. Cooper City’s drinking water is fluoridated, in accordance with Broward County ordinances.

9. Broward County has enacted permanent, year-round irrigation restrictions for all cities and properties in the County. The restrictions are:

  • No watering on any days between 10 AM and 4 PM.
  • WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS for Residences and Businesses with an ODD numbered street address (ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
  • THURSDAYS and SUNDAYS for Residences and Businesses with an EVEN numbered street address (ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8), no street address, or who water both even and odd ad-dresses within the same zones, including multi-family units and Homeowner Associations