
Curbside Waste & Recycling Collection

All containers must have at least 3 feet of clearance on all sides. They must be placed at a minimum of 6 feet from vehicles, boats, mailboxes, light poles, or fences. There must be at least 15 feet of overhead clearance from trees and wires. The handle should be facing your home with the container placed at the curb 3 feet or less from the road's edge.


Garbage is collected twice a week. All garbage must be placed inside the cart with the lid closed. 

Roll your cart to the curb by 7 a.m. on collection day. The cart handle must face away from the street, with the lid opening facing the roadway. Return your cart to its storage area that same day.

  • Please bag all garbage to keep carts clean and odor-free.
  • Only City-provided carts will be collected. Resident-owned cans or containers WILL NOT be serviced.
  • Any material left outside the cart or placed on top the cart WILL NOT be collected. 


Recycling is collected once a week. Cooper City offers its residents "single-stream" recycling. This means all recyclable material can be placed in the cart together.

ALL recyclable material must be placed in your cart loosely, not bagged. Acceptable recyclable materials include aluminum tin cans; glass bottles and jars; plastic bottles; magazines; newspapers; and flattened cardboard.

Roll your cart to the curb by 7 a.m. on collection day. The cart handle must face away from the street, with the lid opening facing the roadway. Return your cart to its storage area that same day.