2023 Water Quality Report - English
Cooper City delivers millions of gallons of drinking water to residents and businesses every single day. That water is tested tens of thousands of times every year to ensure it is of the highest quality. “The Cooper City Utilities Department has vigilantly overseen the water supply day and night, ensuring it consistently exceeds all federal, state and local regulatory standards,” said Hamid Nikvan, Interim Utilities Director for Cooper City.
To view the results of this hard work, the public can view the 2023 report, which is now available online (or hard copy by request).
“In 2023, the Cooper City Utilities Department took several steps to continue enhancing our exemplary services to our customers,” said Greg Ross, Mayor of Cooper City. “We initiated numerous Capital Improvement Projects at our various water, sewer, and stormwater facilities. These projects included a million-dollar initiative to upgrade filtration membranes at the water treatment plant, as well as the installation of a new lightning protection system to enhance safety. Additionally, we made upgrades and improvements to the plant’s chlorine building and the Pine Island Pump Station.”
Cooper City’s water is purified with membrane softening to remove hardness, minerals, color and other natural organic matter found in nature. It is chlorinated to disinfect it and fluoride is added for dental health. Because of this, Cooper City’s water meets all federal and state requirements. It also continues to protect water supplies by participating in community and regional water conservation programs, like the Broward Water Partnership. Cooper City residents may qualify for a $100 rebate on a high-efficiency toilet or receive free water-efficient appliances. To learn more, visit ConservationPays.com.
Customers can download a copy of the 2023 Water Quality Report in either English or Spanish from the Cooper City website.
Customers who would like a paper copy can contact Sussy Richardson at 954.434.5519 or email SRichardson@CooperCity.gov.